
L’unité de recherche Artemis réunit des spécialistes des lasers et du traitement du signal, des mathématiciens, des astrophysiciens des objets compacts pour créer des antennes d’un type nouveau, détectant des ondes gravitationnelles : Virgo, LISA, Einstein Telescope. La recherche sur les lasers de puissance, les mesures de distance extrèmes et la modélisation de sources cosmiques et de leurs signaux, les études multimessagers utilisant les ondes gravitationnelles sont au coeur de l’activité d’Artemis.

Directeur : Nelson CHRISTENSEN

Artémis UMR 7250


Jean-Yves Vinet, Alain Brillet, Nelson Christensen, Catherine Nary-Man

Représentation artistique d'ondes gravitationnelles créées par deux étoiles à neutrons

Two black holes in warped spacetime

Vue aérienne de l'antenne Virgo à Cascina dans la plaine de l'Arno en Toscane

Advanced Virgo laser bench

Advanced Virgo Optics

Opening a new window on the universe

GW170814 is the first published event observed with the Virgo LIGO three detectors : the black hole coalescence discovered is for the first time précisely localized in the sky.

Link to the paper (pdf)



This is the second step in the three-step process to get a mission through the ESA
approval process. The first step was the identification of „The Gravitational Universe“
as the Science Theme for the L3 flight opportunity in 2013. The next step will be the Mission Adoption
in the early 2020s, giving green light for the placement of large industrial contracts for the flight hardware.
We are currently searching for a good date and place for the next full LISA Consortium meeting,
but you can expect it to happen in fall of 2017, late enough so that we have some reliable results from the
Phase-0 Study to discuss, and early enough, so we can plan for fixing possibly remaining
loose ends in the Payload planning.
After the LIGO discoveries and the LISA Pathfinder success, LISA is in excellent shape now,
and will be turning more and more into reality as a flight project. We can all be proud of our hard work!