
>> The Scientific integrity Officer  (Vanessa Hill, appointed by the Observatory Director from January 1st, 2021)

>> Scientific integrity committee

This committee was created in the context of the HRS4R (Human resources strategy for researchers) label. It advises the Observatory's Scientific Integrity Officer..

Its aim is to address the issues of scientific integrity, taking into account the specific nature of research practices in the Earth and Universe Sciences.

  • Composition :
    • Gilles Bogaert (UMR Artemis)
    • Vanessa Hill, référente (UMR Lagrange)
    • Claire Michaut (UMR Lagrange)
    • Yannick Ponty (UMR Lagrange)
    • Alessandra Ribodetti (UMR Geoazur)


  • Inform you
  • Advise you
  • Guide you
  • Support you in your scientific integrity initiatives.

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