Curriculum vitae 
Yann Hello – Age 67
Research Ingineer, @ GeoAzur (University of Nice)

Current address:
Géoazur - Bat. 1
Les lucioles -Sophia-Antipolis
250 rue Albert Einstein
06560 Valbonne, France
Tel: +33(0)4-8361-8785 // Fax: +33(0)4-8361-8701

Citizenship: French
Publications :
15 articles rank A.

Professional experience
1980-1989 Electronic Engineer, IRD
1989-1998 Geophysics Chartered Engineer 2nd Class, IRD
1998-1999 Geophysics Chartered Engineer 1nd Class, IRD
1999-2004 Geophysics Research Engineer 2nd Class, IRD
2004-2009 Geophysics Research Engineer 1nd Class, IRD
2010-2021 Geophysics Research Engineer Excellence Class 4IR0, IR0 IRD Geoazur.
2021-2022 Geophysics Research Engineer Excellence Class, Special grade 5IR0 / B3 - IRD Geoazur.
2023- Present Geophysics Research Engineer Excellence Class, Special grade 6IRH / B3 - IRD Geoazur.

Roles and responsibilities
1993-2003 member of IRD Scientific Commission 1 "Sciences physiques et chimiques de l'environnement planètaire"
2002 Deck Committee for “Pourquoi Pas“ Research Vessel construction.
2002-Present Reviewer for Cirmed-Essac sea campaign proposal.
2002-Present Member of Antares Collaboration.
2003-2008 Member of the Institut de recherche pour le développement (IRD) Scientific Committee
2003-Present Member of the IRD Expert commission College 4.
2004-Present Reviewer of the French OBS National Pool committee.
2006 Laboratory Committee for “Atalante“ Research Vessel transformation.
2006-2010 Member of Esonet - European Sea Floor Observatory Network.
2008-Member of the Observatoire de la cote d'Azur Joint Technical committee.
2009-Present Member of IRD Joint Administrative committee.2012-Member of AERES (Scientific evaluation of research laboratory) – 1 evaluation-GM Geosciences Marines Ifremer
2014-Member of HCERES (Scientific evaluation of research laboratory) – Isterre Grenoble
2015- Invited member of Cecile Joubert Thesis jury (Thèse de Doctorat) – “Étude et calibration d’un hydrophone embarqué sur un flotteur dérivant – application à la sismologie“.
2016-Member of HCERES (Scientific evaluation of research laboratory) – LDO/LGO IUEM-UBO Brest
2016- Member of committee evaluation IRD – Imago Brest
2016 - Present- Member of EMSO-FRANCE and IR Emso
2017- Member of ESO (EarthScope Oceans) Steering committee and head of Technical committee.
2017-Member of AllEnvi – INRA
2018- Member of Commitee Executice NUMerEnv
2020 – Invited member of Sebastien Bonnieux's thesis jury (Thèse de Doctorat) Flotteur pour la surveillance pluridisciplinaire de l’environnement marin : de l’expertise métier aux codes embarqués.
2020 – Present - Member and Expert for Marmor and Revosima PIA3 Project.
2023 - Member of HCERES (Scientific evaluation of research laboratory) – Istep Sorbonne Univ Paris

Recent related research PROJECTS :
2008-2016 - Project manager for The Mermaid Mobile Earthquake Recorder in Marine Areas by Independent Divers - Project (ERC and Poc Globalseis/Mermaid). 700K€
2012-2016 - Project manager at Geoazur for the EMSO-Ligure real time instrumentation network at Nice Airport. ANR Prima
2014-2016 - Project manager for the MUG-OBS, long term Multiparameter for Geophyscis - Ocean Bottom System. (560K€) ANR Prima
2012-2016 - Project manager for the Instrumentation project « SEAFOOD » for distributed fibre optic sensing of the ocean seafloors 4 grants from 4 different French institutes since 2013 for a total of 105k€.
2018-2021 - Project manager for a new Broad Band OBS « Halios-OBS » in cooperation with a small firm OSEAN.

Awards / Grants (* indicates PI or co-PI)
2008-2016 - Project manager for The Mermaid Mobile Earthquake Recorder in Marine Areas by Independent Divers - Project (ERC and Poc Globalseis/Mermaid). 700K€ - Co-PI
2012-2016 - Project manager at Geoazur for the EMSO-Ligure real time instrumentation network at Nice Aiport. ANR Prima – Co-PI
2014-2016 - Project manager for the MUG-OBS, long term Multiparameter for Geophyscis - Ocean Bottom System. (560K€) ANR Prima – Co-PI
2012-2016 - Project manager for the Instrumentation project « SEAFOOD » for distributed fiber optic sensing of the ocean seafloors 4 grants from 4 different French institutes since 2013 for a total of 105k€. – Co-PI
2015 – BQR interne – MUG-OBS 9600€ PI
2017 – BQR interne - Geoazur Mermaid Buffer 9260€ PI
2017 – BQR Interne - Scientific qualification of Mermaid data with regards of OBS.4000€ PI
2019 – Second Prize FIEEC CARNOT in applied research 2019 for the development of Mermaid profilers. October 17 2019 in Paris.
2024 – Project manager – WorkPackage.3 of PEPR Origines Bouncing Ocean-Bottom Seismometers (BOBS): autonomous, scalable sensors for imaging primordial structures in the earth’s mantle - 3.5M€ Co-PI

Field Work: * as chief Scientist.
1984 OBS Seismic refraction experiment (ROBIN84) - Mississippi Canyon area of the Gulf of Mexico
1986 OBS Seismic refraction experiment (EVA13) - New Hebrides Subduction Zone SW-Pacific
1990 OBS Seismic refraction experiment (EQUAREF) - Transform Margin Ivory Coast - Ghana Deep Structure
1991 OBS Seismic refraction experiment (KEOBS) - Kerguelen Volcanic plateau
1992 OBS Seismic refraction experiment (BARBADOS) - Barbados 3D survey
1993 OBS Seismic refraction experiment (REUSSIS) - Volcanic Island Indian-Ocean
1993 OBS Seismic refraction experiment (MAMBO) - East PAcific Ridge
1996 OBS Seismic refraction experiment (VESUVE 3D) - Vesuve - Volcanic Islands Mediterranean sea
1997 OBS Seismic refraction experiment/Seismology (SEISGRECE) - Subduction Mediterranean sea
1998 OBS Seismic refraction experiment/Seismology (SUBLIME) - Ecuadorian Margin
1998 OBS Seismic refraction experiment (COPIAPO) - Chilean Margin
1999 OBS Seismic refraction experiment/Seismology (ANDINAUT) - North Chilean Margin
1999 OBS Seismic refraction experiment/Seismology (PAGANINI) - Cocos and Carnegie
2000 OBS Seismic refraction experiment (BRANSFIELD) - Shetland Trench Antarctic Peninsula Margin
2000 OBS Seismic refraction experiment/Seismology (SISTEUR) - Ecuadorian and south Colombian coasts Carnegie ridge
2001 OBS Seismic refraction experiment/Seismology (SALIERI) - Ecuadorian Margin
2001 OBS Seismic refraction experiment/Seismology (SISMANTILLE1) - Subduction Antilles
2003 Post seismic experiment (BOUMERDIES) - Mediterranean sea *
2005 OBS Seismic refraction experiment/Seismology (ESMERALDA) - Ecuadorian Margin
2005-2009 OBS Seismic Monitoring (SISMER) - Antilles Subduction Zone *
2010 Post seismic experiment (HAITI) - Caribean and Norh American Plate *
2008-2016 Mermaid development Project manager for The Mermaid Mobile Earthquake Recorder in Marine Areas by Independent Divers.
2011-2013 OBS Seismic monitoring (OSISEC) in Ecuador.*
2012 Deployment of a passive Mermaid (free acoustic float) Network in the Mediterranean (Three campaigns)*
2013 Deployment of a passive Mermaid Network south in the Indian Ocean (two campaigns)*
2012-2016 Project manager for the Instrumentation project « SEAFOOD » for distributed fiber optic sensing of the ocean seafloors.
2012-2016 Project manager at Geoazur for the EMSO-Ligure real time instrumentation network at Nice Aiport. ANR Prima
2013 Fiber Optic coupling experiment to measure tectonics deformation (two campaigns)
2014 Deployment of a passive Mermaid, OBS and land stations network near Galapagos (two campaigns)*
2014-2016 Project manager for the MUG-OBS, long term Multiparameters for Geophyscis - Ocean Bottom System.
2015/16 Trail cruises and Final deployment of MUG-OBS*
2017 – Trial of Hydrobs*
2018 – Mermaid Campaign: 3 campaigns for deployment of 18 floats in the south pacific (R/V Alis) June – July, September 2019 (Nouvelle Calédonie, Wallis, Tahiti)*
2019 - MUG-OBS Recovery: 1 campaign ( Janus - Comex) *
2019 - MUG-OBS Deployment – 1 campaign ( R/V Thetys) *
2021 - Fibrosaintes Campaign: 1 campaign (R/V Antéa) – Installation of a submarine network based on a single fiber optic for DAS, seismic, tilt and pressure monitoring.*
2021 - Fibrosaintes Campaign: 1 campaign (R/V Antéa) – Installation of a submarine network based on a single fiber optic for DAS, seismic, tilt and pressure monitoring.*
2021 – Stanford Mermaid Campaign: 1 campaign (R/V Sagitta III) Deployment of 7 Mermaids in the Mediterranée.*
2023 – Mermaid Lander 4000: 1 Trial campaign ( Fishing Boat: Michail) – Kalamata – Greece

And about 100 cruises altogether…

Professional Activity
1978-1980 Electronic engineer at the External Geophysics Laboratory of St.Maurs, 16 month in Antarctica, in Dumont D'Urville French Base.
1980-1981 In charge of the Cornell University Seimological Land station in New Hebrides (Vanuatu).
1981-1983 Marine Geophysics in Nouméa (New caledonia- SW Pacific).
1983-1987 Construction of the first OBS Pool - Ocean Bottom Seismometer.
1987-1992 In charge of the OBS pool for the Laboratoire de Géodynamique Marine de Villefranche sur mer.
1992-1995 Research Engineer at The University of Texas Institute for Geophysics, Austin.
1995-1995 Sabbatical Year - Circum Antartica and Patagonia on a sailing boat.
1995-Present Chief of Research and Development for Marine instrumentation at Geoazur. OBS design, Long term underwater Mutilparameters station (MUG), Mermaid (Mobile Earthquake Recorder in Marine Areas by Independent Divers), Seafood (Deformation measurement using optical fiber), Halios BroadBand OBS,…

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