
The doctorate

>> Thesis Committee (mandatory)

Each doctoral student, with the help of his or her supervisor, must constitute a thesis monitoring committee.
It must meet once a year to authorize re-registration.
Its purpose is to assess the progress of the thesis and identify/address potential conflicts and issues that may occur.
More info

>> How to re-register in 2nd and 3rd year
More info

>> Doctoral training at Université Côte d'Azur
In addition to their research project, doctoral students must validate at least 90 hours of additional training to be authorized to defend their thesis. A few of these training hours are compulsory. The doctoral school will inform you in due date of these mandatory training sessions. The 90 hours of additional training are split into three categories:

  • 30 hours of professional or technical training
  • 30 hours of disciplinary (ie. academic) training
  • 30 additional hours to choose from one of the other two categories

UniCA: Internal group training for doctoral students and UniCA all training course.

>> Defending your thesis: jury composition, deadlines...
More info

Doctoral oath

The doctoral student's charter and the doctoral oath relating to scientific integrity (UniCA).

Introduction to ethics and scientific integrity (mandatory training proposed by UniCA's doctoral college)

Scientific integrity at the Observatory

Thesis funding

Complementary missions

  • Teaching during the thesis
  • Science outreach
    Students on a doctoral contract may be allowed to undertake a complementary mission to contribute to the scientific outreach effort of OCA, up to a maximum of 64 half-days. This mission is remunerated and requires an amendment to the contract. The Observatory issues calls for applications, but unsolicited applications are also welcome. Please send an e-mail to
  • “Doctoral expertise mission to support European projects in their research unit” call
    Université Côte d'Azur, together with its site partners (OCA, Inria, CNRS, IRD, etc.) launches twice a year a call for “Doctoral expertise missions to support European projects in their research units”. This will enable the funding of 6 doctoral expertise missions per year between 2024 and 2029, for a total of 36 funded expertise missions. In addition to supporting the European dynamics of research units, this scheme will enable the young researchers selected to acquire invaluable project management skills, which will be valorized through the award of an open badge, a real asset in the development of their careers. Contact :

Participation in outreach activities

  • Doctoral students who run workshops or give talks at OCA science outreach events (la Fête de la Science, la Nuit des Coupoles Ouvertes, la Nuit Européenne de la Recherche, etc.) can claim the hours they spend with the doctoral school as part of their quota of mandatory professional training hours (see above).
  • Doctoral students can also serve as tour guides for the Nice and Calern sites of the Observatory. This activity is remunerated through a special contract. If you are interested, contact:

Thesis awards

It is important to make sure that your work gets the recognition it deserves. Prizes and awards will make your future application to jobs and positions more attractive - and will contribute to increase the visibility of the laboratory, Observatory and University that hosts you. Talk about these with your PhD advisor but don't hesitate to apply to these different prizes!

Chesneau prize (Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur et ESO)
SF2A prize
Prix de la Société géologique de France
Prix du Comité national francais de géodésie et géophysique

Educational/administrative questions, who to contact?

>> Being a doctoral student at Université Côte d'Azur
 >> Center for Doctoral Studies dedicated to welcoming and supporting doctoral students.
>> SFA doctoral school  (Fundamental and applied sciences)
>> Welcome center (Université Côte d'Azur) :This is the entry point for international researchers and doctoral students.
It is a service dedicated to welcoming and assisting them with their administrative formalities.
One of the Welcome Center's support services is located at the Observatoire. :


 >> Thesis committees by laboratory

  • Lagrange : here are the people potentially available :
    • Lyu Abe, Thierry Corbard, Alessandro Morbidelli, Alain Noullez, Philippe Stee, Frédéric Thevenin, Céline Theys, Eric Lagadec, Georges Kordopatis, Héloïse Meheut, Simon Prunet.
  • Geoazur : the thesis supervisor helps the doctoral student find external contacts.
  • Artemis :  Astrid Lamberts (CR - HDR) ; Fabien Kefelian (MCF) ; Margherita Turconi (MCF) ; Marie Anne Bizouard (DR - HDR) ; Maria Trad-Nery (CPJ) ; Merieme Chadid (A-adj - HDR) ; Michel Boer (DR - HDR) ; Michel Lintz (CR - HDR) ; Nelson Christensen (DR - HDR) ; Nicoleta Dinu-Jaeger (IR - HDR) ; Noel Dimarq (DR - HDR) ; Olivier Minazzoli (Chercheur Monegasque - HDR) ; Oualid Chaibi (CR) ; Sarah Antier (A-adj).

>> Doctoral school representatives by discipline

>> Doctoral student referents by laboratory ( independent of thesis committees)

  • Lagrange : Nicole Nesvadba
  • Geoazur : Frédéric Leclerc and Christophe Matonti
  • Artemis : non

Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur pratical informations

>> Welcome booklet

>> OCA referents at your service

>> Your representative on  the board of directors

And also

CNAÉ, Coordination Nationale d'Accompagnement des Etudiants, is a support service for all those who are experiencing difficulties. A free professional helpline (0 800  737 800) is available, staffed by psychologists and social workers who answer students' questions, listen understanding and direct them to the appropriate resources.

After your thesis?

>> Opportunities

>> Useful links



>> What happens to our PhD students?

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