
Habilitation to Supervise Research (HDR)

What does it mean?
The “habilitation à diriger des recherches” is a diploma which “sanctions recognition of the candidate's high scientific level, the originality of his or her approach in a field of science, his or her ability to master a research strategy in a sufficiently broad scientific or technological field, and his or her capacity to supervise young researchers”.
It was created by the law of January 26, 1984, replacing the state doctorate. It is a prerequisite for admission to the corps of university professors as well as for promotion as a research director at CNRS or a senior astronomer/physicist position within the  CNAP. It is also required by doctoral schools to be authorized to supervise PhD students.

At what point in your career should you do this?
As early as possible, typically after you've produced enough valuable scientific results to see a clear research path ahead for the decade to come. There's no hard rule. Most wait between 5 and 10 years after defending their PhD, but it is recommended you don't wait for too long. The number of doctoral grants being awarded by the Ministry to a doctoral school directly depends on the number of HDRs affiliated to the school. Defending your HDR will therefore directly affect the future of your local ecosystem and not just the prospects of your career.

Where to start?
Don't hesitate to talk about it with a more senior colleague for advice.
All administrative aspects of the HDR are described on the doctoral school website.

Training for doctoral supervision

>> On November 8, 2024, OCA hosted a special (on-line) conference that covered the challenges of doctoral supervision.

>> Other training courses are also offered by Université Côte d'Azur (also available to OCA and CNRS staff): "PhD supervision path"

Sharing experiences

A "HDR Club"  is a local grassroots organization that gathers people about to embark on their HDR adventure (or are already on their way) with staff members that already have it. Joining a HDR club will give you the opportunity to discuss about the positive aspects, the obstacles you face, the details of the administrative procedure and remain motivated through the HDR preparation process.

  • Sophia-Antipolis - contact: Francoise Courboulex (meeting every 6 months)
  • Mont Gros: under discussion
  • Valrose: under discussion (contact: Frantz Martinache if you're interested in joining!)

Thesis funding

The Research Administration department of the Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur, offers you a web page on thesis funding in France and abroad.

Scientific Integrity

> IRAFPA - The right to supervise research
Mediations carried out by IRAFPA (Institute of Research and Action on Fraud and Plagiarism in Academia) in international academic contexts show that a significant number of academic misconducts emerge and take root during the doctoral student/thesis director or young researcher/laboratory director relationship. More

More about scientific integrity : a mini-intranet dedicated to scientific integrity was created as part of the Côte d'Azur Observatory's HRS4R (Human resources strategy for researchers) label.

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