
HRS4R human resources News

February 2024: Thanks to the work of working group 2: Recruitment and working conditions, and with the support of the communications department, a welcome booklet has been created and made available on the OCA intranet (in english and french).

>> Raise awareness of OTM-R criteria among recruitment juries Recruitment page (in french)

>>  Gender equality at the Observatory (in french)

>> "Disability page" at the Observatory (in french)

>> Working remotely at the Observatory (in french)


 Composition of the working group:

 Gilles Bogaert (UMR Artemis), Pierre Cruzalebes (UMR Lagrange), Claire Michaut (UMR Lagrange), Gilbert REINISCH (UMR Lagrange) mais aussi Angelique Guitard (UMR Artemis), Karine Moutou (UAR Galilée), Valérie Mercier (UMR Geoazur). 





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