
The European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers (‘Charter and Code for Researchers’) have become reference points for researchers and employers or funders of researchers, contributing to strengthening the European Research Area (ERA) and supporting the development of a more attractive, open and sustainable Union labour market for researchers. A European procedure certifying the commitment and progress of an institution towards the implementation of the principles of the Charter and Code for Researchers, the Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R), is in place since 2008.

 A major challenge for scientists

Since 2020, the Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur has been committed to the European human resources strategy for researchers: HRS4R “The Human resources strategy for researchers”..

Granted by the European Commission, the “HR Excellence in Research” label is awarded to research establishments that undertake to improve recruitment practices and working conditions for researchers.

This label represents a major challenge for Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur and its community of researchers, but also for all those involved in research, and in support of research.

Our HRS4R strategy

2020 - 2022: Initial phase validated by label award
This first phase involved members of the Observatory management team, the directors of the 3 UMRs and a project team coordinating 3 working groups (20 people including 14 researchers):

■ Integrity and professional responsibility ;
■ Recruitment/careers, working conditions ;
■ Training and doctoral supervision.

The 19 actions shared with  Université Côte d'AZur were the result of regular meetings between the two establishments.

In order to take stock of the situation and understand expectations in terms of ethics, recruitment, working conditions and training, a 50-question survey was launched among researchers by the 3 supervisory bodies. Analysis of the results  enabled us to defin an action plan that met the criteria expected by the European Commission.
In this plan, 19 out of 39 actions are shared with Université Côte d'Azur.

Because of the importance of the HRS4R process to Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur, the various stages were presented and validated several times before its governing bodies.

Our action plan

We were awarded the label on October 3, 2022.

2022 - 2027: Implementation of action plan

October 2022 to October 2024

In this phase, the members of the Observatory management team and the directors of the 3 UMRs are still involved, with the addition of the deputy directors, the vice-chairman of the Conseil scientifique and the director of the Unité d'appui à la formation.
The implementation committee is always in contact with Université Côte d'Azur for mutualized actions and coordinates the actions of the 3 working groups, on the same themes, always with the desire to involve researchers from the 3 laboratories, the main beneficiaries of this approach.

The aim of this stage is to implement the plan's actions so that by the end of October 2024 we can carry out our internal review for the interim assessment to be submitted to the European Commission.

Beyond the label, the aim is to ensure a better career path for the Observatory's current and future researchers!!

November 2024 and October 2027

We will still be in the implementation phase, with the task of rolling out the adjusted action plan.

>> December 2024 : Internal review

>> February 2025 : results of our interim assessment: action plan validated

>> February 2028 : on-site visit from the European Commission 

Phase 3 between 2027-2030 will correspond to the label renewal phase.

This label is synonymous with the success of our actions with researchers and will be an asset in obtaining more funding from Europe !

The challenges

■ Implement an exemplary HR policy with a view to constantly improving working conditions
■ Developing the careers of our researchers
■ Position researchers at the heart of our institutional policy and give them the opportunity to contribute to it.
■ Enhance the Observatory's international profile
■ Boosting our recruitment appeal
■ Becoming an asset for obtaining finance from the European Commission.


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