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What universe do we live in ? - Nature of dark energy - Cosmological parameter constraints - Distance scales - Large baryonic structures - Time and mode of formation of large structures - How do galaxies form and evolve ? - Role of AGN - Effect of the environment - Formation and evolution mechanism

Galactic archaeology

  • Fundamental stellar parameters
    The galaxy/Local Group

Gaia & weave moons

Clusters of galaxies

  • Cosmological probes clusters, Gas H1
  • Mass scale relationship between clusters

Euclid - SKA

Methodologies : large-scale surveys, automatic parameterisation

SKA : shareholding in SKAO and management of SKA France, technical shareholding under construction


Galaxie Cosmologie: meeting new challenges

  • Scientific exploitation of GAIA and EUCLID spectro-ground surveys
  • Developing a cosmological numerical simulations axis to support observations
  • SKA involvement: co-design and SKA DATA centre
  • New SNO implications: SKATE, EUCLID-SURVEY, PLATO
  • Transversal GC-star axes: H0-distance scale, AGN, etc.
  • Multi-messenger-cosmo involvement: SKA/EUCLID/LISA synergy

GAIA-EUCLID ground segment

SKA involvement: 3IA - Labcom - ACRI

Participation in ELT/MOSAIC?

DATA-IA support: pipelines, databases via OCA-SNO-num, MSI-UCA


Vanessa Hill, directrice de recherche CNRS, laboratoire Lagrange (Université Côte d'Azur - Observatoire de la Côtre d'Azur - CNRS),

Erick Slezak, astronome à l'Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur, laboratoire Lagrange (Université Côte d'Azur - Observatoire de la Côtre d'Azur - CNRS),

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