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The Côte d’Azur Observatory is involved in a number of institutional and industrial partnerships. OCA is also supported by local authorities and is involved in partnerships with local associations.


  • University of Alcalá (Spain)

Collaboration agreement "Low-frequency DAS for tsunami wave detection".

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  • Armagh Observatory and Planetarium

MOU for a collaboration in astrophysical polarimetry

Armagh Observatory
  • Australian National University

Multi-institutional agreement for the development of the High-Efficiency Multiaxial Do-it ALL Recombiner (HEIMDALLR).

Australian university
  • University of Birmingham (UK)

Research Collaboration on "ASTEP New Mount Project".

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  • CTA Consortium

The OCA is a member of the CTA consortium during the construction, commissioning and operation phases of the Cherenkov Telescope Array.

CTA Consortium
  • EGO Consortium

Artemis Laboratory is involved in the French-Italian Consortium "European Gravitational Observatory" for the implementation of the VIRGO project.

  • EPOS-GNSS Consortium

The OCA is a member of this consortium for the construction of GNSS data gateway.

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  • ESA

Partnerships in the framework of the HERA and LISA space missions and the Anatolia Consortium - Funding of studies and PhDs.

esa sig blue
  • ESO

Matisse Consortium agreement for the mid-infrared focal second generation instrument of the Very Large Telescope Interferometer (VTLI) developed in collaboration with ESO. 

  •  Universidade Federal do Espirito Santo (Brésil)

Academic cooperation agreement

UFES Brésil
  • Gravity+ Consortium

Involvement of the Lagrange Laboratory in the GRAVITY+ project, a major upgrade of the infrastructure of the Very Large Telescope Interferometer (VLTI) and its GRAVITY instrument. The MPE is leading this consortium in collaboration with ESO. 

max planck MPE
  • Université Joseph KI-ZERBO (Burkina Faso)

Academic cooperation agreement in Earth and Universe Sciences

UJKZ Burkina Faso
  • University of Maryland Department of Astronomy (USA)

Agreement for the development of collaborative programs in the field of planetary science and the study of the solar system, cosmology, celestial mechanics and the modeling and simulation of astrophysical objects and processes.

  • University of Turku

MOU for a collaboration in astrophysical polarimetry.

University of Turku
  • Utrecht University

Research collaboration on the project "PhysMmax 2".

utrecht university
  • Westfalische Wilhelms Universität Münster

Research collaboration on the project "Late Accretion onto Terrestrial Planets".

 University Munster




Partnerships in a European H2020 project on the exploitation of scientific data from the space sciences ; Co-funding of a PhD on the detection of exoplanets in high-contrast images using statistical learning.

acrist logo
  • Ariane Group

Collaboration agreement in the areas of laser range finding, management of space debris, space surveillance and geodesy.

ArianeGroup Logo 2017
  • ATOS

The OCA is a member of the joint laboratory ECLAT "Extreme Computing Lab for Astronomical Telescopes", a collaboration between CNRS, Inria and ATOS within the national coordination SKA-France led by CNRS-INSU.

  • Luxcarta Technologies

Research collaboration for a PhD aimed at developing a chain of digital tools, based on artificial intelligence and image processing, for referencing all cartographed faults

LuxCarta logo header

Research collaboration for a PhD thesis on the development of a rain-flow-flood forecasting methodology for coastal rivers on the Riviera.

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  • OGS Technologies

Partnership agreement in the fields of free space optical links (laser, observation, atmosphere), time-frequency metrology, telecoms, laser telemetry, astronomy and SSA.

 OGS logo

Creation of a Joint Laboratory in 2018 between OCA, CNRS, Université Côte d'Azur and Thales Alenia Space on optical systems and onboard instrumentation, astrophysics and planetary exploration missions and geosciences. Collaborative actions are carried out in particular through the hosting and training of PhD students.


Funding contract for the WIND project "3D Waveform Inversion for ultra-long offset multi-componet Node Data".


Research collaboration on anticipation and monitoring of drought.

union d experts



  • BRGM

Research collaboration agreements within the framework of PhDs of the "Geological Repository of France" program.

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  • CEA

Realisation of joint studies in the field of geosciences.

The OCA is a member of Institute for Magnetic Fusion Research.

Implementation of a scientific partnership with the Geoazur Laboratory
  • CNES

Realisation of joint studies in the field of geosciences and space.


  • EFISOFT (ELT French Instrument SOFTware team)

The OCA (Lagrange Laboratory) is member of the ELT network of instrument control software specialists, a french national structure of INSU.


  • First-TF consortium agreement

The OCA is member of the FIRST-TF Consortium, a french thematic network aiming to gather all the actors involved in time-frequency. 

  • ForM@Ter

The OCA is member of the french Solid Earth Center whose mission is to facilitate access to data and contribute to the creation of new products and services by adding value to the available spatial and in-situ data.

Formater transparent
  • GRGS Space Geodesy

The OCA is a member of GRGS, a space geodesy research group that federates 12 French research teams.

  • IPEV
Collaboration Agreement for the implementation of the ASTEP+ program.
IPEV logo noir
  • MesoNET consortium agreement

The OCA is member of MesoNET consortium, a distributed infrastructure for scientific application development, businesses and training in HPC and AI.


Research collaboration on the study of the radiation tolerance of detectors and the performance of the interferometry system for the LISA space project.

  • REFIMEVE+ consortium agreement

The Geoazur and Artemis laboratories are partners of Equipex REFIMEVE+ (Pan-European Metrological Fiber Network).

  • RESIF consortium agreement

Consortium agreement as part of the Equipex RESIF (French Seismological and Geodetic Network) research infrastructure made up of multi-scale seismological and geodetic stations that measure the permanent and temporary deformations of French soil.

  • Maison SKA France

France is officially involved in the SKA project through the "Maison SKA-France" consortium, led by the CNRS, including universities, research organizations and industry.

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  •  T-REFIMEVE consortium agreement

The OCA is involved in the T-REFIMEVE project which aims to provide the scientific community and industrials with a complete set of timing signals at the best international level that metrology laboratories can provide, taking advantage of the exceptional accuracy of atomic clocks and the guided propagation in optical fibers. More than 30 laboratories and institutes throughout France will be connected.




The OCA benefits from the support of local and regional authorities for the renovation of its research infrastructures, the co-financing of doctoral students and research projects, as well as its actions of dissemination.

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The Schaumasse telescope is made available for tours and courses organized by AQUILA. Aquila 120
Partnership with the Conservatoire d'Espaces Naturels Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur (CEN PACA) to conserve the Calern and Mont Gros natural sites. LOGO CENPACA

Transfer of the Francois Giraud Telescope to the Centre International de Valbonne (CIV) for educational purposes in collaboration with PSTJ


Partnership agreement for astrophysical observations on the C2PU telescope with the 2SPOT (Southern Spectroscopic Project Observatory Team) association.


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