Action plan milestone 2022-2024
A major challenge for the institution
Since 2022, the implementation of the label's action plan has been discussed regularly by the Observatory's governing bodies, as well as at all the establishment's general meetings.
The progress of these actions is presented to researchers by the researchers involved in the working groups.
Project management organization
>> A management committee provides strategic direction for governance.
>> A project team leads the project.
>> 3 thematic working groups are mobilized
48% of actions are shared with Université Côte d'Azur
Regular meetings of the 2 establishments' project teams were held to monitor the shared initiatives. In addition, the Observatory's project team has been in contact with Université Côte d'Azur project leaders.
Involvement of the research community
The 3 working groups are made up of at least one researcher from each UMR.
- Scientific integrity: Gilles Bogaert (UMR Artemis), Vanessa Hill (UMR Lagrange), Claire Michaut (UMR Lagrange), Yannick Ponty (UMR Lagrange), Alessandra Ribodetti (UMR Geoazur).
- Recruitment/career/working conditions: Gilles Bogaert (UMR Artemis), Pierre Cruzalebes (UMR Lagrange), Claire Michaut (UMR Lagrange), Gilbert REINISCH (UMR Lagrange) mais aussi Angelique Guitard (UMR Artemis), Karine Moutou (UAR Galilée), Valérie Mercier (UMR Geoazur).
- Doctoral training and supervision: Carole Petit (UMR Geoazur), Frantz Martinache (UMR Lagrange), Marie-Anne Bizouard (UMR Artemis) et Francoise Courboulex (UMR Geoazur)
Assessment of action plan implementation at the end of November 2024
49% of actions completed in 2 years.
>> February 2025 : results of our interim assessment: action plan validated