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Measuring and modelling the Earth's physics - Dynamics of the inner Earth :
link between seismic cycles and long-term deformations - Imaging of ocean margins and domains - Landform evolution in relation to climate cycles

Observations : from fieldwork to oceanographic campaigns, from seismic imagery to satellites.

Marine instrumentation : OBS Equipex Marmor - Fibre-DAS - MUG-OBS (Marmor) - Mermaid new generation

Geodetic instrumentation : Laser telemetry - Gravimetry, GPS - Solar system ephemeris

Modelling : analogue, physical and digital

DATA : use of AI, 2 junior ERCs and link with the 3IA Chair


Dynamics of the Earth system : meeting new challenges

  • Comparative planetology in connection with the EPEx theme: internal dynamic modelling of the Earth senior post
  • Integration of OBS parks as a specific RESIF action: possibility of ANO2 Seismology labelling.
  • Supporting the development of AI via an Earth and Universe sciences axis in the University's 3IA institute

Spatial geodesy, seismic imaging-tomography, 3D modelling, deep surface coupling

IT fibre-DAS data processing

SNO underwater seismology ANO2-TS

MeO Upgrade


Guillaume Duclaux,

Marc Sosson,

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