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Publications referenced on HAL

In descending order of notification date

    1. Title: Improving full-waveform inversion by wavefield reconstruction with the alternating direction method of multipliers,
      Authors: Aghamiry H., Gholami A., Operto S.
      in: Geophysics, vol.84, n°1, R125-R148, 2019.
    2. Title: Implementing bound constraints and total-variation regularization in extended full-waveform inversion with the alternating direction method of multiplier: application to large contrast media,
      Authors: Aghamiry H., Gholami A., Operto S.
      In: Geophysical Journal International, vol.218, n°2, pp.855-872, 2019.
    3. Title: ADMM-based multi-parameter wavefield reconstruction inversion in VTI acoustic media with TV regularization,
      Authors: Aghamiry H., Gholami A., Operto S.
      In: Geophysical Journal International, vol.219, n°2, pp.1316–1333,
    4. Title: Compound Regularization of Full-waveform Inversion for Imaging Piecewise Media,
      Authors: Aghamiry H., Gholami A., Operto S.
      In: IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, DOI: 10.1109/TGRS.2019.2944464 .

    5. Title: Hybrid Tikhonov + total-variation regularization for imaging large-contrast media by full-waveform inversion,
      Authors: Aghamiry H., Gholami A., Operto S.
      In: SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, pp.1253-1257,
    6. Title: Robust ADMM-based wavefield reconstruction inversion with phase retrieval,
      Authors: Aghamiry H., Gholami A., Operto S.
      In: SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, pp.1526-1530,
    7. Title: On the robustness of l1-regularized ADMM-based wavefield reconstruction inversion against compressed acquisition sampling,
      Authors: Aghamiry H., Gholami A., Operto S.
      In: SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, pp.1385-1389,
    8. Title: Extending the search space of full waveform inversion (FWI) by alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM),
      Author: Aghamiry H., Gholami A., Operto S.
      SIAM Conference on Mathematical & Computational Issues in the Geosciences, n°MS18, pp.95, Houston, Texas (USA),
      11-14 March, 2019.
    9. Title: Implementing bound constraints and hybrid total-variation+Tikhonov regularization in wavefield reconstruction inversion with the alternating direction method of multiplier,
      Authors: Aghamiry H., Gholami A., Operto S.
      In: SIAM Conference on Mathematical & Computational Issues in the Geosciences, n°MS35, pp.117, Houston, Texas (USA),
      11-14 March, 2019
    10. Title: Joint Estimation of Velocity and Attenuation by Frequency-Domain TV-Regularized Wavefield Reconstruction Inversion,
      Authors: Aghamiry H., Gholami A., Operto S.
      In: 81st EAGE Conference & Exhibition, Session WS01 Attenuation: Challenges in Modelling and Imaging at the Explorati\
      on Scale, London (UK),
      Year: 2019.
    11. Multi-Parameter ADMM-Based Wavefield Reconstruction Inversion in VTI Acoustic Media,
      Aghamiry H., Gholami A., Operto S.
      81st EAGE Conference & Exhibition, Session Full Waveform Inversion I, London (UK), 2019.
    12. Title: Wavefield Reconstruction Inversion With Enhanced Hybrid Tikhonov and TV Regularization for Imaging Piece-Wise Smooth Media, 
      Authors: Aghamiry H., Gholami A., Operto S
      In: 81st EAGE Conference & Exhibition, Session Full Waveform Inversion III, London (UK)
      Year 2019
    13. Title: Crustal-scale depth imaging via joint full-waveform inversion of ocean-bottom seismometer data and pre-stack depth migration of multichannel seismic data: a case study from the eastern Nankai Trough,
      Authors: Górszczyk, A., Operto, S., Schenini, L., and Yamada, Y.,
      In: Solid Earth, 10, 765-784
      Year: 2019
    14. The AMBRE Project: [Y/Mg] stellar dating calibration with Gaia
      A&A 622, A59 (2019)
      A. Titarenko, A. Recio-Blanco, P. de Laverny et al.
    15. Title: Phase transition in time-reversible Navier-Stokes equations
      Authors: V. Shukla, B. Dubrulle, S. Nazarenko, G. Krstulovic, and S. Thalabard
      In: To appear in Physical Review E
    16. Title : Planet and star synergy at high spectral resolution. A rationale for the characterisation of exoplanet atmospheres. I. The Infrared.
      Authors : A. Chiavassa and M. Brogi
      In : Astronomy and Astrophysics (in press)
      Year : 2019
    17. Title : A parallel & automatically tuned algorithm for multispectral image
      Authors : R. Ammanouil, A. Ferrari, D. Mary, C. Ferrari and F. Loi
      In : Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
      Year : 2019
    18. Title : Saturn's Deep Atmospheric Flows Revealed by the Cassini Grand Finale Gravity Measurements.
      Authors : Galanti, E., Y. Kaspi, Y. Miguel, T. Guillot, D. Durante, P. Racioppa, and L. Iess
      In : Geophysical Research Letters 46, 616-624

      Year : 2019
    19. Title: On the migration of giant mass planets in 3D disk accreting
      from surface layers.
      Authors :  E. Lega ,A. Morbidelli, X.Ramos, A. Crida ,  M. Lambrechts, R. P. Nelson, H.Meheut
      in preparation, 2019
    20. Title : Quasi-static contraction during runaway gas accretion onto giant planets.
      Authors : M. Lambrechts, E. Lega , R. P. Nelson, A. Crida  and A. Morbidelli
      In : A&A A&A 630, A82 (2019)
      Year : 2019
    21. Title : Effect of polymer-stress diffusion in the numerical simulation of elastic turbulence
      Authors : A. Gupta and D. Vincenzi
      In : J. Fluid Mech. 870, 405–418
      Year : 2019
    22. The AMBRE project: searching for the closest solar siblings
      A&A 619, A130 (2018)
      Adibekyan, de Laverny, Recio-Blanco et al.,....
    23. The AMBRE Project:r-process elements in the Milky Way thin and thick discs?
      A&A 619, A143 (2018)
      G. Guiglion, P. de Laverny, A. Recio-Blanco, and N. Prantzos
    24. Imaging Contrasted Media with Total Variation Constrained Full Waveform Inversion and Split Bregman Iterations
      Aghamiry H., Gholami A., Operto S.
      80th EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Session FWI II - Cycle Skipping And Constrained FWI. Copenhagen (Denmark), 1\
      1-14 june, 2018
    25. Title : Heading Gaia to measure atmospheric dynamics in AGB stars
      A. Chiavassa, B. Freytag, M. Shultheis 
      In : Astronomy & Astrophysics
      Year: 2018
    26. VLTI-GRAVITY measurements of cool evolved stars: I. Variable photosphere and extended atmosphere of the Mira star R Peg
      M. Wittkowski, G. Rau, A. Chiavassa, S. Hoefner, M. Scholz, P. R. Wood, W. J. de Wit, F. Eisenhauer, X. Haubois, T. Paumard
      In : Astronomy & Astrophysics
      Year: 2018
    27. Title : Anharmonic vibrational spectroscopy of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)
      Authors : Giacomo Mulas, Cyril Falvo, Patrick Cassam-Chenaï, and Christine Joblin
      In : The Journal of Chemical Physics 149, 144102,
      Year : 2018
    28. Title : A suppression of differential rotation in Jupiter’s deep interior.
      Authors : Guillot, T., Y. Miguel, B. Militzer, W. B. Hubbard, Y. Kaspi, E. Galanti, H. Cao, R\
      . Helled, S. M. Wahl, L. Iess, W. M. Folkner, D. J. Stevenson, J. I. Lunine, D. R. Reese, A. \
      Biekman, M. Parisi, D. Durante, J. E. P. Connerney, S. M. Levin, and S. J. Bolton,
      In : Nature 555, 227-230.
      Year : 2018
    29. Title : Pebble-isolation mass: Scaling law and implications for the formation of super-Earths and gas giants
      Authors : Bitsch, B., Morbidelli, A., Johansen, A., Lega, E., Lambrechts, M. and Crida, A.
      In : Astronomy and Astrophysics, vol. 612 (url) (2018) (doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201731931)
      Year : 2018
    30. Title : Geometric chaos indicators and computations of the spherical hypertube manifolds of the spatial circular restricted thre\
      e-body problem
      Authors : Guzzo, M. and Lega, E.
      In : Physica D, vol. 373, pp. 38-58
      Years : 2018
    31. Title : An end-to-end Fresnel propagation model for SPEED: PIAACMC implementation and performance.
      Author : Mathilde Beaulieu; Patrice Martinez; Lyu Abe; Olivier Guyon; Carole Gouvret; Julien Dejonghe; Oliver Preis
      In : Proceedings Volume 10700, Ground-based and Airborne Telescopes VII
      Year: 2018
    32. Title :Toward a new paradigm for Type II migration
      Authors : C. M. T. Robert, A. Crida, E. Lega, H. Méheut, and A. Morbidelli
      In :  A&A Volume 617,
      Year : 2018
    33. Title : The Stagger-grid: A grid of 3D stellar atmosphere models VII. Synthetic stellar spectra and broad-band photometry
      Author : A. Chiavassa, L. Casagrande, R. Collet, Z. Magic, L. Bigot, F. Thevenin, M. Asplund
      In : Astronomy & Astrophysics -
      Year : 2018
    34. Title : An interstellar origin for Jupiter's retrograde co-orbital asteroid
      Authors : F Namouni, M H M Morais
      In : Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters, Volume 477, Issue 1, June 2018, Pages L117–L121,
      Year : 2018
    35. Title : Thermophysical modeling of main-belt asteroids from WISE thermal data.
      Authors : Hanuš, J., Delbo, M., Durech, J. & Alí-Lagoa, V.
      In : Icarus 309, 297–337 (2018).
      Year : 2018

    36. Title: . Asteroid (16) Psyche: Evidence for a silicate regolith from spitzer space telescope spectroscopy.
      Authors : Landsman, Z. A. et al
      In : Icarus 304, 58–73 (2018).
      Year : 2018
    37. Title : Spin states of asteroids in the Eos collisional family.
      Authors : Hanuš, J. et al
      In : Icarus 299, 84–96 (2018).
      Year : 2018
    38. Title : Comparing Jupiter interior structure models to Juno gravity measurements and the role\
      of a dilute core.
      Authors : Wahl, S. M., W. B. Hubbard, B. Militzer, T. Guillot, Y. Miguel, N. Movshovitz, Y. K\
      aspi, R. Helled, D. Reese, E. Galanti, S. Levin, J. E. Connerney, and S. J. Bolton
      In : Geophysical Research Letters 44, 4649-4659\
      Year : 2017
    39. Title : Asteroid shapes and thermal properties from combined optical and mid-infrared photometry inversion.
      Authors : Durech, J., Delbo, M., Carry, B., Hanuš, J. & Alí-Lagoa, V.
      In : A&A 604, A27 (2017).
      Year : 2017
    40. Title : Volumes and bulk densities of forty asteroids from ADAM shape modeling.
      Authors : Hanuš, J. et al.
      In : A&A 601, A114 (2017).
      Year : 2017
      The Astronomical Journal,153:75(30pp), 2017 February
      Kunder,.... Recio-Blanco, de Laverny,.... et al.,
    42. Title : Tomography of cool giant and supergiant star atmospheres. I.
      Validation of the method
      Author : K. Kravchenko, S. Van Eck, A. Chiavassa, A. Jorissen, B. Freytag, B. Plez
      In : Astronomy and Astrophysics -
      Year : 2017
    43. Title : Scenarios for the dynamics of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko over the past 500 kyr
      Authors : Guzzo M., Lega E.,
      In : MNRAS, 469, S321
      Year : 2017
    44. Title : Reduced Gas Accretion on super-Earth and ice giants
      Authors : Lambrechts, M. and Lega, E.
      In : Astronomy and Astrophysics
      Year : 2017
    45. Title : 3D shape of asteroid (6) Hebe from VLT/SPHERE imaging: Implications for the origin of ordinary H chondrites.
      Authors: Marsset, M. et al.
      In : A&A 604, A64 (2017).
      Year : 2017
    46. Title : Evidence for sub-Chandrasekhar-mass progenitors of Type Ia supernovae at the faint end of the width-luminosity relation
      Author : Blondin Stéphane, Dessart Luc, Hillier D. John, Khokhlov Alexei M.
      In : Royal Astronomical Society -
      Year : 2017
    47. Title : Radiative-transfer models for explosions from rotating and non-rotating single WC stars. Implications for SN 1998bw and LGRB/SNe
      Author : Dessart Luc, John Hillier D., Yoon Sung-Chul, Waldman Roni, Livne Eli
      In : Royal Astronomical Society -
      Year : 2017
    48. Title : A study of the low-luminosity Type II-Plateau supernova 2008bk
      Author : Lisakov S. M., Dessart, Luc, Hillier D. John, Waldman Roni, Livne Eli
      In : Royal Astronomical Society -
      Year : 2017
    49. Title : Explosion of red-supergiant stars: influence of the atmospheric structure on shock breakout and the early-time supernova radiation
      Author : Dessart Luc, Hillier D. John, Audit Edouard
      In : Royal Astronomical Society -
      Year : 2017
    50. Title : High-contrast imaging at small separations: impact of the optical configuration of two deformable mirrors on dark holes
      Author : M. Beaulieu, L. Abe, P. Martinez, P. Baudoz, C. Gouvret, F. Vakili
      In : Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 469, Issue 1, 21 July 2017, Pages 218–230,
      Year : 2017
    51. Title : Seismic inference of 57 stars using full-length Kepler data sets
      Author : Creevey Orlagh, Metcalfe Travis, Salabert David, Mathur Savita, Schultheis Mathias, García Rafael A., Thévenin Frédéric, Bazot Michaël, Xu Haiying
      In : Royal Astronomical Society
      Year : 2017
    52. Title: FWI of OBS for deep crustal imaging : the eastern Nankai Trough revisited.
      Authors:Górszczyk, A., Operto, S., and Malinowski, M.,
      In: Journal of Geophysical Research : Solid Earth, 122(6) :4601–4630,
      Year: 2017
    53. Title : Characterizing solar-type stars from full-length Kepler data sets using the Asteroseismic Modeling Portal
      Author : Creevey, O. L., Metcalfe, T. S., Schultheis, M., Salabert, D., Bazot, M., Thévenin, F., Mathur, S., Xu, H. and Garcia, R. A
      In : Astronomy and Astrophysics doi
      Year : 2017
    54. Title : Coorbital capture at arbitrary inclination
      Author : Fathi Namouni, Helena Morais
      In : Springer International . DOI
      Year : 2017
    55. Title : The mass function of GX 339-4 from spectroscopic observations of its donor star
      Author : M. Heida, P.G. Jonker, M.A.P. Torres, A. Chiavassa
      In : Astrophysical Journal
      Year : 2017
    56. Title : The convective surface of the red supergiant Antares. VLTI/PIONIER interferometry in the near infrared
      Author : Montargès, M., A. Chiavassa, Kervella, P.; Ridgway, S. T.; Perrin, G.; Le Bouquin, J.-B.; Lacour, S.
      In : Astronomy & Astrophysics
      Year : 2017
    57. Title : Measuring stellar granulation during planet transits
      Author : A. Chiavassa, Caldas, A., Selsis, F., Leconte, J., Von Paris, P., Bordé, P., Magic, Z., Collet, R., Asplund, M.
      In : Astronomy & Astrophysics
      Year : 2017
    58. Title : Lyapunov dimension of elastic turbulence
      Author : E.L.C. VI M. Plan, A. Gupta, D. Vincenzi & J.D. Gibbon
      In : Journal of Fluid Mechanics 822, R4 (2017) DOI:
      Year : 2017
    59. Title : Resonance capture at arbitrary inclination – II. Effect of the radial drift rate
      Author :  F. Namouni, M. H. M. Morais
      In : Mon Not R Astron Soc (2017) 467 (3): 2673-2683.  DOI:
      Year : 2017
    60. Title : Numerical simulations and infrared spectro-interferometry reveal the wind collision region in gamma2 Velorum
      Author : A. Lamberts, F. Millour, A. Liermann, L. Dessart, T. Driebe, G. Duvert, W. Finsterle, V. Girault, F. Massi, R. G. Petrov, W. Schmutz, G. Weigelt, O. Chesneau
      In : A&A
      Year : 2017
    64. Title : Jupiter internal structure: the effect of different equations of state.
      Authors : Miguel, Y., T. Guillot, and L. Fayon
      In : Astronomy and Astrophysics 596, A114\
      Year : 2016
    65. Title : The Nekhoroshev Theorem and the Observation of Long-term Diffusion in Hamiltonian Systems.
      Authors : Guzzo, M. and Lega, E.
      In : Regular and Chaotic Dynamics, vol. 21, pp. 707-719 (2016) (doi:10.1134/s1560354716060101)
      Year : 2016
    66. Title : Near-Earth asteroid (3200) Phaethon: Characterization of its orbit, spin state, and thermophysical parameters.
      Authors : Hanuš, J. et al.
      In : A&A 592, A34,
      Year : 2016
    67. Title : Differences between the Pallas collisional family and similarly sized B-type asteroids.
      Authors : Alí-Lagoa, V. et al.
      In : A&A 591, A14 (2016).
      Year : 2016
    68. Title : New and updated convex shape models of asteroids based on optical data from a large collaboration network.
      Authors : Hanuš, J. et al.
      In : A&A 586, A108 (2016).
      Year : 2016
    69. Title : Circumplanetary disc or circumplanetary envelope ?
      Authors : Szulágyi, J., Masset, F., Lega, E., Crida, A., Morbidelli, A. and Guillot, T.
      In : Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, vol. 460, pp. 2853-2861 (2016)
      Year : 2016
    70. Title : Three-dimensional representations of the tube manifoldsof the Planar Restricted Three-Body Problem
      Authors : Lega, E. and Guzzo, M.
      In : Physica D, vol. 325, pp. 41-52 (2016) (
      Year : 2016
    71. Title : Alfvén wave propagation through a moderate-amplitude transverse inhomogeneity in a magnetized plasma
      Author : Borgogno, D., Laveder, D., Passot, T. and Sulem, P. L
      In : Physics of Plasmas, vol. 23 (2016)
      Year : 2016
    72. Title : Influence of the Nonlinearity Parameter on the Solar Wind Sub-ion Magnetic Energy Spectrum: FLR-Landau Fluid Simulations
      Author : Sulem, P. L., Passot, T., Laveder, D. and Borgogno, D.
      In : The Astrophysical Journal, vol. 818, p. 66 (2016)
      Year : 2016
    73. Title : Reduction of compressibility and parallel transfer by Landau damping in turbulent magnetized plasmas -Author P. Hunana, D. Laveder, T. Passot, P.L. Sulem, D. Borgogno. In: Astrophysical Journal, American Astronomical Society, 2011, 743, pp.128. ⟨10.1088/0004-637X/743/2/128⟩
    74. Title : Fast 3D frequency-domain full waveform inversion with a parallel Block Low-Rank multifrontal direct solver: application to OBC data from the North Sea
      Author : P. Amestoy, R. Brossier, A. Buttari, J.-Y. L'Excellent, T. Mary, L. Métivier, A. Miniussi and S. Operto
      In : Geophysics, 81(6), pages R363 - R383
      Year : 2016
    75. Title : Crustal-scale imaging frim ultra-long offset node data by full-waveform inversion - How to do it right?, Proceedings of the 78th EAGE
      Author : A. Gorszczyk, M. Malinowski and S. Operto
      In : Conference & Exhibition, EAGE, Vienna.
      Year : 2016
    76. S. Mikolaitis, P. de Laverny, A. Recio–Blanco, V. Hill, C.C. Worley, and M. de Pascale
      The AMBRE project: iron-peak elements in the Solar neighborhood
      2016 A&A soumis
    77. G. Guiglion , P. de Laverny , A. Recio-Blanco , C. C. Worley , M. De Pascale , T. Masseron , N. Prantzos, S’. Mikolaitis
      The AMBRE Project: Constraining the lithium evolution in the Milky Way
      2016 A&A sous presse
    78. Worley, C. C.; de Laverny, P.; Recio-Blanco, A.; Hill, V.; Bijaoui, A.
      The AMBRE Project: Stellar parameterisation of the ESO:UVES archived spectra
    79. Recio-Blanco, A.; de Laverny, P.; Allende Prieto, C.; Fustes, D.; Manteiga, M.; Arcay, B.; Bijaoui, A.; Dafonte, C.; Ordenovic, C.; Ordoñez Blanco, D.
      Stellar parametrization from Gaia RVS spectra
    80. Title : A method to search for large-scale concavities in asteroid shape models.
      Authors : Devogele, M. et al.
      In : Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 453, 2232–2240
      Year : 2015
    81. Title : Thermophysical modeling of asteroids from WISE thermal infrared data - Significance of the shape model and the pole orientation uncertainties.
      Authors : Hanuš, J., Delbo, M., Durech, J. & Alí-Lagoa, V.
      In : Icarus 256, 101–116 (2015).
      Year : 2015
    82. Vortex filament tracking method in the Gross-Pitaevskii model.  
      A. Villois, G. Krstulovic, D. Proment and H. Salman. arXiv:1604.03595 (2016)
    83. Statistical steady state in turbulent droplet condensation.
      C. Siewert, J. Bec and G. Krstulovic. arXiv:1603.04704 (2016)
    84. Evolution of a superfluid vortex filament tangle driven by the Gross-Pitaevskii equation.  
      A. Villois, D. Proment and G. Krstulovic. Phys Rev E 93, 061103(R) (2016).
    85. Grid superfluid turbulence and intermittency at very low temperature.  
      G. Krstulovic. Phys Rev E 93, 063104 (2016).
    86. Depletion of Nonlinearity in Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence: Insights from Analysis and Simulations.  
      J. Gibbon, A. Gupta, G. Krstulovic, R. Pandit, H. Politano, Y. Ponty, A. Pouquet, G. Sahoo, J. Stawarz. Phys Rev E 93, 043104 (2016).
    87. A lattice method for the Eulerian simulation of heavy particle suspensions
      F. Laenen, G. Krstulovic, and J. Bec. CRAC, Vol 344 -No 9 (2016).
    88. L. Dessart, D. J. Hillier, E. Audit, E. Livne, and R. Waldman. Models of interacting super-
      novae and their spectral diversity. MNRAS, 458:2094{2121, May 2016.
    89. L. Dessart, D. J. Hillier, S. Woosley, E. Livne, R. Waldman, S.-C. Yoon, and N. Langer.
      Inferring supernova IIb/Ib/Ic ejecta properties from light curves and spectra: correlations
      from radiative-transfer models. MNRAS, 458:1618{1635, May 2016.
    90. A. Vlasis, L. Dessart, and E. Audit. Two-dimensional radiation hydrodynamics simulations
      of superluminous interacting supernovae of Type IIn. MNRAS, 458:1253{1266, May 2016
    91. Title: Outwards migration for planets in stellar irradiated 3D discs - Authors: Lega, E., Morbidelli, A., Bitsch, B., Crida, A. and Szulagyi, J. Journal: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, vol. 452, pp. 1717-1726 (year: 2015)
    92. Title : A study of the past dynamics of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko with fast Lyapunov indicators
      Authors : Guzzo, M. and Lega, E
      Journal:   Astronomy and Astrophysics, vol. 579, p. 79 (
      Year : 2015
    93. Self-truncation and scaling in Euler-Voigt-α and related fluid models.  
      G. Di Molfetta, G. Krstulovic, and M.E. Brachet. Phys. Rev. E. 92, 013020 (2015).
    94. L. Dessart, D. J. Hillier, S. Woosley, E. Livne, R. Waldman, S.-C. Yoon, and N. Langer.
      Radiative-transfer models for supernovae IIb/Ib/Ic from binary-star progenitors. MNRAS,
      453:2189{2213, October 2015.
    95. L. Dessart, E. Audit, and D. J. Hillier. Numerical simulations of superluminous supernovae
      of type IIn. MNRAS, 449:4304{4325, June 2015.
    96. S. Blondin, L. Dessart, and D. J. Hillier. A one-dimensional Chandrasekhar-mass delayed-
      detonation model for the broad-lined Type Ia supernova 2002bo. MNRAS, 448:2766{2797,
      April 2015.
    97. L. Dessart and D. J. Hillier. One-dimensional non-LTE time-dependent radiative transfer of
      an He-detonation model and the connection to faint and fast-decaying supernovae. MNRAS,
      447:1370{1382, February 2015.
    98. Title : TOMO3D: 3-D joint refraction and reflection traveltime tomography parallel code for active-source seismic data—synthetic test
      Author :  A. Meléndez, J. Korenaga, V. Sallarès, A. Miniussi, C.R. Ranero
      In :  Geophys J Int (2015) 203 (1): 158-174. DOI:
      Year : 2015
    99. Title : Resonant Capture at Arbitrary inclination
      Author : F. Namouni et H. Morais
      In : Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Year 2015. Volume 446, Issue 2, p.1998-2009
      Year : 2015
    100. Title : Statistical steady state in turbulent droplet condensation
      Author : Christoph Siewert, Jeremie Bec, Giorgio Krstulovic
      In : Journal of Fluid Mechanics,
      Year : 2016
    101. Title : "Impact of the Peterlin approximation on polymer dynamics in turbulent flows"
      Author : D. Vincenzi, P. Perlekar, L. Biferale, F. Toschi
      In : Phys. Rev. E 92, 053004 (2015),
      Year : 2015
    102. Title : "Application of quasi-degenerate perturbation theory to the calculation of rotational energy levels of methane vibrational polyads "
      Author : P. Cassam-Chenaï, G. Rousseau, A. Ilmane, Y. Bouret and M. Rey
      In : J. Chem. Phys. 143, 034107 (2015) ;,
      Year : 2015,
    103. Title : "Efficient 3-D frequency-domain mono-parameter full-waveform inversion of ocean-bottom cable data : application to Valhall in the visco-acoustic vertical transverse isotropic approximation"
      Author : S. Operto and A. Miniussi and R. Brossier and L. Combe and L. M\’etivier and V. Monteiller and A. Ribodetti and J. Virieux
      In : Geophysical Journal International, v. 202,n. 2, p. 1362-1391, 2015.,
      Year : 2015,
    104. Title : "Fluid simulations of ion scale plasmas with weakly distorted magnetic fields - FLR-Landau fluid simulations"
      Author : Passot, T., Henri, P., Laveder, D. and Sulem, P. L
      In : The European Physical Journal D, vol. 68, p. 207 (2014).,
      Year : 2014,
    105. Title : "Self-similarity and stable clustering in a family of scale-free cosmologies"
      Author : BENHAIEM, D. ; Joyce, M. ; Marcos, B
      In : Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (Print), v. 443, p. 2126-2153, 2014.,
      Year : 2014,
    106. Title : Diffusion, subdiffusion, and trapping of active particles in heterogeneous media
      Author : O. Chepizhko and F. Peruani
      In : Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 160604 (2013)
      Year : 2013
    107. Title : Optimal noise maximizes collective motion in heterogeneous media
      Author : O. Chepizhko. E. Altmann, and F. Peruani
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    110. Title : "Operto_2015_ETF, Efficient three-dimensional frequency-domain full-waveform inversion of ocean-bottom cable data : application to (V) alhall in the visco-acoustic vertical transverse isotropic approximation"
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    112. Title : "Stellar irradiated discs and implications on migration of embedded planets. III. Viscosity transitions" Astronomy and Astrophysics, vol. 570, p. 75 (url-> (2014)
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    113. Title : "Evolution of the Tangent Vectors and Localization of the Stable and Unstable Manifolds of Hyperbolic Orbits by Fast Lyapunov Indicators" SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, vol. 74, pp. 1058-1086 (url-> (2014)
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    114. Title : "Migration of Earth-sized planets in 3D radiative discs" Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, vol. 440, pp. 683-695 (url-> (2014)
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    115. Title : "The AMBRE project : Parameterisation of FGK-type stars from the ESO:HARPS archived spectra" Astronomy and Astrophysics, vol. 570, p. 68 (2014)
      Authors : De Pascale, M., Worley, C. C., de Laverny, P., Recio-Blanco, A., Hill, V. and Bijaoui, A
    116. Title : "The Gaia-ESO Survey : the Galactic Thick to Thin Disc transition" Astronomy and Astrophysics, vol. 1403, p. 7568 (2014)
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    119. Title : "Characterisation of the Galactic thin disc with CoRoT targets" Astronomy and Astrophysics, vol. 550, p. 125 (2013)
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    121. Title : "Through thick and thin : Structure of the Galactic thick disc from extragalactic surveys" Astronomy and Astrophysics, vol. 1305, p. 6145 (2013)
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    122. Title: "Parameter estimation from a model grid application to the Gaia RVS spectra" Statistical Methodology, vol. 9, p. 55 (2012)
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    123. Title : "The AMBRE project : A new synthetic grid of high-resolution FGKM stellar spectra" Astronomy and Astrophysics, vol. 547, p. 108 (2012)
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    129. Title : Numerical study of impeller-driven von Karman flows via a volume penalization method" New J. Phys. 16 103001 (2014)
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    130. Article : Castellanos_2013_FFW1, Title : Fast full waveform inversion with source encoding and second-order optimization methods
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    131. Article : Operto_2014_FAT, Title : Computationally-efficient three-dimensional visco-acoustic finite-difference frequency-domain seismic modeling in vertical transversely isotropic media with sparse direct solver, Author : S. Operto and R. Brossier and L. Combe and L. M\’etivier and A. Ribodetti and J. Virieux, In : Geophysics, Year : 2014, Volume : 79(5), pages : T257-T275
    132. Article : Operto_2013_TLE, Title : A guided tour of multiparameter full waveform inversion for multicomponent data : from theory to practice
      Author : S. Operto and R. Brossier and Y. Gholami and L. M\’etivier and V. Prieux and A. Ribodetti and J. Virieux, In : The Leading Edge, Year : 2013, Number : September, Pages : 1040-1054, Volume : Special section Full Waveform Inversion
    133. Article : Prieux_2013_MFWa, Title : Multiparameter full waveform inversion of multicomponent OBC data from Valhall. Part 1 : imaging compressional wavespeed, density and attenuation
      Author : V. Prieux and R. Brossier and S. Operto and J. Virieux, In : Geophysical Journal International, Year : 2013, Number : 3, Pages : 1640-1664, Volume : 194, Doi : doi : 10.1093/gji/ggt177
    134. Article : Prieux_2013_MFWb, Title : Multiparameter full waveform inversion of multicomponent OBC data from Valhall. Part 2 : imaging compressional and shear-wave velocities
      Author : V. Prieux and R. Brossier and S. Operto and J. Virieux, In : Geophysical Journal International, Year : 2013, Number : 3, Pages : 1665-1681, Volume : 194, Doi : doi : 10.1093/gji/ggt178
    135. Article : Gholami_2013_WPA2, Title : Which parametrization is suitable for acoustic VTI full waveform inversion ? - Part 2 : application to Valhall
      Author : Y. Gholami and R. Brossier and S. Operto and V. Prieux and A. Ribodetti and Jean Virieux,
      In : Geophysics, Year : 2013, Number : 2, Pages : R107-R124, Volume : 78, Publisher : SEG
    136. Article : Gholami_2013_WPA1, Title : Which parametrization is suitable for acoustic VTI full waveform inversion ? - Part 1 : sensitivity and trade-off analysis
      Author : Y. Gholami and R. Brossier and S. Operto and A. Ribodetti and Jean Virieux,
      In : Geophysics, Year : 2013, Number : 2, Pages : R81-R105, Volume : 78, Publisher : SEG
    137. Article : Pageot_2013_APA, Title : A parametric analysis of two-dimensional elastic full waveform inversion of teleseismic data for lithospheric imaging
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      In : Geophysical Journal International, Year : 2013, Number :3, Pages :1479—1505, Volume : 193
    138. Article Operto_2014_FAT, Title : Computationally-efficient three-dimensional acoustic finite-difference frequency-domain seismic modeling in vertical transversely isotropic media with sparse direct solver, Author : S. Operto and R. Brossier and L. Combe and L. M\’etivier and A. Ribodetti and J. Virieux,
      In : Geophysics, Year : 2014
    139. InProceedings Operto_2014_CDR, Title : A Frequency-domain Seismic Modeling Engine for 3D Visco-acoustic VTI Full Waveform Inversion of Fixed-spread Data
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    140. Grid of Supergiant B[e] Models from HDUST Radiative Transfer Circumstellar Dynamics at High Resolution. Proceedings of a Joint ESP/Brazilian Workshop held at Foz do Iguacu, Brazil, 27 February-2 March, 2012. ASP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 464. Edited by A. Carciofi and Th. Rivinius. San Francisco : Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2012, p.149(Bibliographic Code : 2012ASPC..464..149D)
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    143. Early Dynamical Instabilities in the Giant Planet Systems
      Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, vol. 431, pp. 3494-3500 (2013) (doi :10.1093/mnras/stt431)
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    144. The numerical detection of the Arnold web and its use for long—term diffusion studies in conservative and weakly dissipative systems
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    145. An improved third order dipole moment surface for methane( Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy Volume 291, September 2013, Pages 77–84 )
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    146. Which parametrization for acoustic vertical transverse isotropic full waveform inversion ? - Part 2 : synthetic and real data case studies from Valhall,
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      Geophysics, in-press.
    147. Which parametrization for acoustic vertical transverse isotropic full waveform inversion ? - Part 1 : sensitivity and trade-off analysis.
      Y. Gholami, R. Brossier, S. Operto, V. Prieux, A. Ribodetti and J. Virieux.
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    148. The excitation of planetary orbits by stellar jet variability and polarity reversal
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    150. Coalescence Rate of Supermassive Black Hole Binaries from Cosmological Simulations : Detection Rates for LISA and Einstein.
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    154. Dynamics of Nearby Groups of Galaxies : the role of the cosmological constant
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    155. Dark matter accretion into supermassive black holes.
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    156. Evolution of the Phase-Space Density of Dark Matter halos and Mixing Effects in Merger Events
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    157. Expected Coalescence Rates of NS-NS Binaries for Laser Beam Interferometers
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    158. Mass Determination of Groups of Galaxies : Effects of the Cosmological Constant.
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    159. Expected Coalescence Rate of Double Neutron Stars for Ground-Based Interferometers.
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    160. Indirect Search for Dark Matter : Prospects for GLAST.
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    161. Reassessing the formation of the inner Oort cloud in an embedded star cluster
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    162. An Oort cloud origin for the high-inclination, high-perihelion Centaurs
      R. Brasser, M. E. Schwamb, P. S. Lykawka, R. S. Gomes
      Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Volume 420, Issue 4, pages 3396–3402, March 2012
    163. The terrestrial Planet V hypothesis as the mechanism for the origin of the late heavy bombardment
      R. Brasser and A. Morbidelli
      A&A Volume 535, November 2011
    164. Ab initio calculation of the rotational spectrum of methane vibrational ground state
      P. Cassam-Chenaï and J. Liévin
      J. Chem. Phys. 136, 174309 (2012)
    165. The angular momentum of dark halos : merger and accretion effects.
      S. Peirani, R. Mohayaee, J.A. de Freitas Pacheco.
      MNRAS 348, 921, 2004
    166. On the footprint of anisotropy on isotropic FWI : the Valhall case study
      V. Prieux and R. Brossier and Y. Gholami and S. Operto and J. Virieux
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    167. Ab initio effective rotational Hamiltonians : A comparative study
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    168. First numerical investigation of a conjecture by N.N. Nekhoroshev about stability in quasi-integrable systems
      Chaos 21, 033101 (2011) ; doi:10.1063/1.3603819 (12 pages) publié
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    169. Stability analysis of the martian obliquity during the Noachian era
      Ramon Brasser , Kevin Walsh
      Amphipathic-Lipid-Packing-Sensor interactions with lipids assessed by atomistic molecular dynamics
    170. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Biomembranes
      Authors : Paula Gonzalez-Rubio ; Romain Gautier ; Catherine Etchebest ; Patrick Fuchs
      Acceptée, sous presse
    171. Some results on the global dynamics of the regularized restricted three-body problem with dissipation
      Alessandra Celletti, Letizia Stefanelli, Elena Lega and Claude Froeschlé
      Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy
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    172. Transition from Large-Scale to Small-Scale Dynamo
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    173. Spectroscopic analysis of a large sample of CoRoT/exoplanet targets using FLAMES instrument
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      Corot symposium, Paris, sous presse
    174. From stars to planets : An automated software for the Spectral Analysis of the stellar population in the CoRoT/Exoplanet fields
      Gazzano, J.C., Deleuil, M., de Laverny, P., Recio-Blanco, A., Bouchy, F., Gandolfi, D. and Loeillet, B.
      IAU symposium 253, Cambridge University Press, Baltimore, vol:253, pp. 404-405 (2009)
    175. Parameter estimations by optimal projections in a local environment
      Bijaoui, A., Recio-Blanco, A., de Laverny, P. and Kordopatis, G.
      Astronomical Data Analysis - V, vol:1082, pp. 54-60 (2008)
    176. How did a typical galaxy form ? Clues from the old stellar population of the Milky Way Thick Disc
      Kordopatis, G., Recio-Blanco, A., de Laverny, P., Bijaoui, A. and Ordenovic, C.
      The Milky Way and the Local Group - Now and in the Gaia Era, Heidelberg, sous presse (2009)
    177. Spectroscopic survey of Thick Disc stars outside the Solar neighborhood
      Kordopatis, G., Recio-Blanco, A., de Laverny, P., Bijaoui, A., Hill, V., Gilmore, G., Helmi, A., Bienaymé, O., Ordenovic, C. and Wyse, R.FG.
      ELSA conference 2010 - Gaia : at the frontiers of astrometry, ed. C. Turon, Sèvres (france), sous presse (2010)
    178. Automated stellar parametrization with MATISSE : application to Galactic populations
      de Laverny, P., Recio-Blanco, A., Bijaoui, A., Gazzano, J.C., Kordopatis, G., Ordenovic, C. and Worley, C.
      Astronomical Data Analysis VI, eds. Strack and Murtagh, Monastir (Tunisie), 3-7 Mai 2010 (2010)
    179. Exploring the galactic disks with Corot targets
      Gazzano, J.C., de Laverny, P., Kordopatis G., Recio-Blanco, A., Deleuil, M., Hill V.
      Astronomy and Astrophysics, sousmis (2010)
    180. Stellar characterization of CoRoT/Exoplanet fields with MATISSE
      Gazzano, J.C., de Laverny, P., Deleuil, M., Recio-Blanco, A., Bouchy, F., Moutou, C., Bijaoui, A., Ordenovic, C., Gandolfi, D. and Loeillet, B.,
      Astronomy and Astrophysics, sous presse (2010)
    181. Dissipative structures in a nonlinear dynamo
      A. D. Gilbert, Y. Ponty & V. Zheligovsky
      Geophysical & Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics
    182. Dynamics of perturbations around inhomogeneous backgrounds in the HMF model
      Authors : J. Barre’, A. Olivetti and Y.Y. Yamaguchi
      JSTAT_022P_0310 has been published as : J. Stat. Mech. (2010) P08002
    183. Frequency-domain numerical modelling of visco-acoustic waves with finite-difference and finite-element discontinuous Galerkin methods
      R. Brossier, V. Etienne, S. Operto and J. Virieux
      Acoustic Waves - SCIYO, ISBN 978-953-7619-X-X (sous presse).
    184. Finite-difference frequency-domain modeling of visco-acoustic wave propagation in two-dimensional TTI media,
      S. Operto, J. Virieux, A. Ribodetti and J. E. Anderson.
      Geophysics, 74 (5), pages T75-T95, 2009.
    185. Seismic wave modeling for seismic imaging
      J. Virieux, S. Operto, H. Ben Hadj Ali, R. Brossier, V. Etienne, F. Sourbier, L. Giraud, A. Haidar,
      The Leading Edge, 28, 538 - Special section : Seismic modeling, 2009
    186. An overview of full waveform inversion in exploration geophysics
      J. Virieux and S. Operto
      Geophysics,74(6), WCC127-WCC152, 2009.
    187. Supplement : Imaging and inversion ? Introduction
      S. Buske, I. Lecomte, T. Nemeth, S. Operto and V. Sallares.
      Geophysics, 74(6), WCA1-WCA4, 2009.
    188. Efficient 3D frequency-domain full waveform inversion with joint simultaneous-shot and phase-encoding technique
      H. Ben Hadj Ali, S. Operto and J. Virieux
      Geophysics, (acceptable pending moderate revisions.)
    189. Two-dimensional frequency-domain visco-elastic full-waveform inversion : parallel algorithms, optimization and performances
      R. Brossier
      Computer & Geosciences (sousmis)
    190. An hp-adaptive discontinuous Galerkin finite-element method for 3D elastic wave modelling.
      V. Etienne, E. Chaljub, J. Virieux and N. Glingsky
      Geophysical Journal International (pending revisions)
    191. Dissipative structures in a nonlinear dynamo
      A.D. Gilbert, Y. Ponty, V. Zheligovsky.
      Geophys. Astrophys. Fluid Dynamics, 2010 (soumis)
    192. The Monge-Ampère equation : various forms and numerical methods
      Zheligovsky V., Podvigina O., Frisch U.
      Z. Computational Physics, 229, 2010, 5043-5061
    193. Dependence of magnetic field generation by thermal convection on the rotation rate
      Chertovskih R., Gama S.M.A., Podvigina O., Zheligovsky V.
      Physica D, 239, 2010, 1188-1209
    194. Generation of a symmetric magnetic field by thermal convection in a plane rotating layer
      Zheligovsky V.
      Magnetohydrodynamics, 46, 2010, 3-22.
    195. Oort cloud formation at various Galactic distances
      R. Brasser, A. Higuchi and N. Kaib
      Astronomy&Astrophysics (accepted) DOI : 10.1051/0004-6361/201014275
    196. Which data residual norm for robust elastic frequency-domain Full Waveform Inversion ?
      Brossier R., S. Operto and J. Virieux. (2010)
      Geophysics, Vol 75 (3), pages R37-R46
      doi : 10.1190/1.3379323
    197. The electronic mean field configuration interaction method : III – the p-orthogonality constraint.
      Patrick Cassam-Chenaï, Vitaly Rassolov,
      Chemical Physics Letters, Volume 487, Issues 1-3, 25 February 2010, Pages 147-152
    198. Robust elastic frequency-domain full-waveform inversion using the L1 norm.
      R. Brossier, S. Operto and J. Virieux Geophysical Research Letters, 36, L20310, doi:10.1029/2009GL039458, 2009
    199. Stable chaos in the 55Cnc exoplanetary system ?
      Gayon, J. ; Marzari, F. ; Scholl, H.
      Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society : Letters, Volume 389, Issue 1, pp. L1-L3. 2008
    200. On the eccentricity of self-gravitating circumstellar disks in eccentric binary systems
      F. Marzari, H. Scholl, P. Thebault, C. Baruteau
      Astronomy&Astrophysics, 2009 (sous-presse)
    201. Alfvén wave filamentation and dispersive phase mixing in a high-density channel : Landau fluid and hybrid simulations
      D. Borgogno, P. Hellinger, T. Passot, P.L. Sulem, P. Trevnicek
      Nonlin. Proc. Geophys., 16, 275-285 (2009).
    202. Spectral vanishing viscosity stabilized LES of the Ahmed body turbulent wake.
      M. Minguez, R. Pasquetti, E. Serre
      Commun. in Comput. Phys., *5*, No 2-4, 535-648, 2009
    203. Spectral Modeling of Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulent Flows
      Baerenzung J., Politano H., Ponty Y., Pouquet A.
      Phys. Rev. E, 78, 026310 (1-11) (2008)
    204. Numerical modeling of liquid metal dynamo experiments.
      Yannick Ponty
      In : Ph. Cardin, L.F. Cugliandolo, editor(s), Les Houches, Session LXXXVIII, 2007, Dynamos. Amsterdam : Elsevier, p. 359-382 (2008).
    205. Linear and non linear features of the Taylor-Green Dynamo
      Y. Ponty, P. D. Mininni , J-P. Laval, A. Alexakis, J. Baerenzung, F. Daviaud, B. Dubrulle, J-F. Pinton, H. Politano, A. Pouquet
      C. R. Physique 9 749-756 (2008)
    206. Seismic imaging of complex structures by 2D elastic frequency-domain full-waveform inversion
      Romain Brossier, Stephane Operto, Jean Virieux
      Geophysics, 74(6), WCC63-WCC76, 2009
    207. High-order large-eddy simulation of flow over a simplified car model.
      M. Minguez, R. Pasquetti, E. Serre
      Phys. Fluids, *20*, 095101, 2008.
    208. Time window for magnetic reconnection in plasma configurations with velocity shear
      M. Faganello, F. Califano, F. Pegoraro
      Physical Review letters
    209. Cross-Scale Effects in Solar-Wind Turbulence.
      F. Valentini,1 P. Veltri,1 F. Califano,2 and A.
      Mangeney3 Physical Review letters, 101
    210. Filamentation of dispersive Alfvén waves in density channels : Hall-MHD description
      D. Borgogno, D. Laveder, T. Passot, C. Sulem & P.L. Sulem,
      Phys. Plasmas, 15, 062302 (12 pp) (2008).
    211. Rotational breakup as the origin of small binary asteroids
      K.J. Walsh, D.C. Richardson, P. Michel, 2008.
    212. Numerical Simulations of Asteroids Modelled as Gravitational Aggregates with Cohesion.
      D.C. Richardson, P. Michel, K.J. Walsh, K.W. Flynn 2008.
      Planetary and Space Science, accepted for publication.
    213. Nonlinear mirror modes dynamics : simulations and modeling
      C. Califano, P. Hellinger, E. Kuznetsov, T. Passot, P.L. Sulem, P. Travnicek,
      J. Geophys. Res. 113, doi:10.1029/2007JA012898, sous presse.
    214. Parsimonious finite-volume frequency-domain method for 2D P-SV-wave modeling.
      Romain Brossier, Stephane Operto, Jean Virieux
      Geophysical Journal International, 175(2), 541-559, 2008
    215. The electronic mean field configuration interaction method : II - Improving guess geminals.
      Patrick Cassam-Chenaï, Giovanni Granucci
      Chemical Physics Letters, Vol 450
    216. Velocity model building by 3D frequency-domain full-waveform inversion of wide-aperture seismic data.
      by Ben Hadj Ali, Hafedh ; Operto, Stephane ; Virieux, Jean
      Geophisics, 73(5), pages VE101-VE117, 2008.
      Award de la meilleure publication de la revue Geophysics en 2008.
    217. Competing mechanisms of plasma transport in inhomogeneous configurations with velocity shear : the solar wind interaction with the earth magnetosphere.
      M. Faganello, F. Califano, F. Pegoraro (University of Pisa)
      accepté à Physical Review Letter, 2007.
    218. Anisotropic fluxes and nonlocal interactions in MHD turbulence.
      A. Alexakis, B. Bigot, H. Politano et S. Galtier (OCA)
      soumis à Physical Review E, 2007.
    219. The Lorentz force effect on the On-Off dynamo intermittency.
      Alexandros Alexakis (OCA), Yannick Ponty (OCA)
      Soumis à Physical Review E.
    220. Subcritical dynamo bifurcation in the Taylor Green flow.
      Yannick Ponty (OCA), Jean-Phillipe Laval (LML), Bérengère Dubrulle (SPEC), François Daviaud (SPEC), Jean-François Pinton (Phys-ENS)
      Accepté à Physical Review Letters. arXiv:0707.2498.
      Ça en a d’ailleurs fait la couverture.
    221. Dynamics of the giant planets of the solar system in the gaseous proto-planetary disk and relationship to the current orbital architecture.
      A. Morbidelli, K. Tsiganis, A. Crida, H. Levison et R. Gomes
      Astronomical Journal
    222. Spectral vanishing viscosity stabilized LES of the Ahmed body turbulent wake
      M. Minguez, R. Pasquetti, E. Serre,
      ICOSAHOM 2007 Congress, Beijing, 18-22 June 2007.
    223. Spectral Modeling of Turbulent Flows and the Role of Helicity
      Julien Baerenzung (OCA), Helene Politano (OCA), Yannick Ponty (OCA), Annick Pouquet (NCAR)
      Soumis Physic Review E. arXiv:0707.0642
    224. Statistical geometry in homogeneous and isotropic turbulence.
      A. Naso, A. Pumir and M. Chetkov
      Journal Of Turbulence, 8(N39), 1 (2007).
    225. Model fitting using the MATISSE method.
      A. Recio-Blanco, A. Bijaoui et P. de Laverny
      Astronomy and Astrophysics, soumis.
    226. A new grid of synthetic spectra for the Gaia/RVS.
      B. Edvardsson, K. Eriksson, A. Recio-Blanco, P. de Laverny
      note interne ESA/DPAC/CU8, 2007
    227. Stochastic background from inspiralling double neutron stars.
      Regimbau T.
      Physical Review D 75, 043002, 2007
    228. Dynamo action at low magnetic Prandtl numbers : mean flow versus fully turbulent motions.
      Y. Ponty, P.D. Mininni, J-F. Pinton, H. Politano , and A. Pouquet
      New Journal of Physics
    229. The dynamics of Jupiter and Saturn in the gaseous proto-planetary disk.
      A. Morbidelli & A. Crida
    230. 3D finite-difference frequency-domain modeling of visco-acoustic wave propagation using a massively parallel solver : a feasibility study
      S. Operto, J. Virieux, P. Amestoy, J.-.Y L’Excellent and L. Giraud
      revue Geophysics de la Society of Exploration Geophysicists, 72 (5), september-october 2007, p, SM195-SM211
    231. FWT2D : a massively parallel program for frequency-domain Full-Waveform Tomography of wide-aperture seismic data - Part2 : numerical examples and scalability analysis
      F. Sourbier, S. Operto, J. Virieux, P. Amestoy and J.-.Y L’Excellent
      Computer & Geosciences, 35, 496-514, 2009.
    232. FWT2D : a massively parallel program for frequency-domain Full-Waveform Tomography of wide-aperture seismic data - Part 1 : algorithm
      F. Sourbier, S. Operto, J. Virieux, P. Amestoy and J.-.Y L’Excellent Computer & Geosciences, 35, 487-495, 2009.

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