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Available disk space

Global disk space

The new storage has been installed since October 2017; it is based on BeegFS technology

The entire setup is configured with 8 RAID6 groups of 6 * 10 TB each for data, and each server has a RAID1 group for metadata.

Effective storage capacity: 35.7 * 4 * 2 = 285.6 TB

Your directories

The cluster runs on Linux environment, CentOS Linux release 7.4.1708, kernel 3.10.0-693.2.2

You have 20 GB in your directory /data/home/<user>; THESE DIRECTORIES ARE BACKED UP.

The /scratch space is intended for your calculations, for temporary storage of your data. SCRATCH IS NOT BACKED UP.

A directory /scratch/<user> is available for each user.

Remember to transfer your data regularly.

There are no limits on the use of /scratch; however, users who use it excessively will be warned, and we will clean up accordingly.

Attention: Following a decision by the users' committee convened in 2015, an automatic purge procedure is in place to move all files older than 8 months to the trash. This trash is permanently deleted after 2 months. This procedure is executed when the storage occupancy rate exceeds 85%.

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