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Nice Mont-Gros library (OCA library)
BIB20240327 110744

Contact04 92 00 30 45 (or 31 30) /

Opening hours :
Reading room : Mon-Fri : 7:30 am - 8:00 pm (open)

Archive room : Mon-Thur : 8:45 am - 4:45 pm / Fri : 8:45 am - 4:15 pm

Annual closing : between Christmas and New Year's Day

Address :
Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur
boulevard de l'Observatoire
CS 34229
06304 Nice cedex 04 (France)

Equipment at your disposal :
In the reading room : wifi ;  1 consultation station ;  4 shared office space (24 pers.)  ; 1 relaxation area with 3 armchairs   ;  6 TV (2 giant  screens + 4 XL screens) + webcam + 1 sound bar
Nearby : coffee machine (corridor) ; binding equipment (ground floor); printing equipment (librarian's office), meeting room for 10 people (Michel Hénon room), 1 visitors' office (2 pers.).

Reading room booking : booking conditions and terms - booking calendar


Nice Valrose library (Lagrange library)

BIB2021Valrose2021 1

Contact : 04 89 15 03 97 (Mond, Tue, Thur) or  04 92 00 30 88 (Wen, Frid)  /

Opening hours : 
Open space and archive room : from 09:00 am to 5:00 pm. (permanent access for laboratory staff).
For external people : contact the librarian who works on 2 sites

Annual closing : between Christmas and New Year's Day
(In case of absence, contact the Nice Mont-Gros library)

Address :

Laboratoire Lagrange

Bât. H. Fizeau
Parc Valrose
28, avenue Valrose
06108 Nice cedex 02

Equipment at your disposal : Wifi  (in the vicinity : reprographic materials and binding materials : both in the Photocopy room)


Sophia-Antipolis library (Geoazur library)

Image Bib Sophia

Contact : 04 83 61 86 00 / (In case of absence, contact the Nice Mont-Gros library)

Opening hours  :

Reading room : Tuesday to Friday : 8:30 am - 4:00 pm (Jelena  telecommute the mondays)

Annual closing : between Christmas and New Year's Day

Address :
Laboratoire Géoazur
Campus Azur - Bât. 1
250, rue Albert Einstein
CS 10269
06905 Sophia Antipolis Cedex (France)

Equipment at your disposal :  1 computer, 1 shared office space (8 pers.) ; 1 person office (4) ; 1  microfiche reader ;  1 TV (in the vicinity : reprographic materials and binding materials).  










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