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You can see below :

1. The list of the main databases accessible to the OCA staff.
2. The conditions of use and access

 BIB2021 CLAVIER180X180  

List of databases


Database name  Description Electronic access link and Period

Academic Search Ultimate

Multidisciplinary bibliographic database (with access to 8 800 online periodicals)

bouton bib cnrs insu + bouton bib cnrs insis via BibCNRS

tab "database" + "Academic search ultimate"

ADS - Astrophysics DataSystem (SAO / NASA)


Bibliographic databases in Astronomy and Astrophysics, Physics and the arXiv e-prints (13 million records) 

bouton open access
ARIBIB (Univ. Heidelberg)

Archive of bibliogr. databases in Astronomy and Astrophysics  .1880-2000 (Data Sources :  Astronomy and Astrophysics Abstracts (1969-1995) + Astronomischer Jahresbericht (1899-1968) +  Houzeau and Lancaster bibliography +  J.J. de Lalande bibliography)

bouton open access (1880-2000)

ArXiv (Cornel University)

Preprint database in Computer science, Mathematics, Physics

bouton open access

Base - Bielefeld Academic Search Engine
  logoBASE Bielefeld


The most powerful search engines. It harvests a very large amount of academic open access databases more than 100 million items. Access to full text for 60% of indexed items

bouton open access

CDS portal (Strasbourg astronomical data center)

Astronomical database : SIMBAD, for the identification of astronomical objects; VizieR; Aladdin software, sky atlas

bouton open access
CORE The world's largest collection of open access research papers (207,255,218 papers around the world) - Global aggregator bouton open access


Preprint database in Earth science

bouton open access

 EbscoHost (Ebsco)

Multidisciplinary bibliographic databases :  
Academic search premier (with 8 500 online periodicals),
Education research complete ,
Eric = Educational resource information center,
Francis (Social and human sciences )
Georef (Sciences de la terre) ,
Greenfile (Environnement),
HSTM (history of science, technology and medecine)
INSPEC (Physics ; Electronics ; Electrotechnics ; Computer science ; Information Science),
LISTA ( information science and communication),
Medline (Medecine),
Psycho. and behaviour science coll.,

bouton bib cnrs insu + bouton bib cnrs insis  via BibCNRS  tab "database" + database name (see the liste at left)

Education research complete

Bibliographic database in Educational sciences

bouton bib cnrs insubouton bib cnrs insis via BibCNRS tab "database" + "Education research complete"

ERIC - Educational Resource Information Center

Bibliographic database in Educational sciences

bouton bib cnrs insu + bouton bib cnrs insis via BibCNRS Tab "database" + "ERIC"

ESI - Essential Science indicators  (Thomson Reuter) 

Bibliometric indicators.   Allows to  :
- identify major scientific trends;
- classify the authors, institutions, countries and journals by discipline;
- measure the result of a research and its impact on specific areas

bouton bib cnrs insubouton bib cnrs insis via BibCNRS tab "database" + "Essential Science indicators"   


Preprint database in Earth science bouton open access

GeoRef ( American Geological Institute - EBSCOHost)

Bibliographic database in Earth sciences 

bouton bib cnrs insu  via BibCNRS tab  "database"  + "Georef"

Google scholar(Google)

Multidisciplinary bibliographic database 

bouton open access


Multidisciplinary bibliographic database in Environnement, agriculture, education, law,  health and technology (1 million references ; 14000 full-text doc.)

 bouton bib cnrs insu + bouton bib cnrs insis via BibCNRS tab "database" + "Greenfile"

HAL open archive (CCSD)

An Internet portal for consultation and perennial deposit of French multidisciplinary scientific production in Open Access


bouton open access

Index Chemicus ( part of Web of science)

Bibliographic database in Chemistry ; biochemistry ; molecular biology

bouton bib cnrs insu + bouton bib cnrs insis  via BibCNRS tab "database" + "WOS " + "Index chemicus"

INIS-CEA. Sciences et technologies ,nucléaires, énergies environnements


Bibliographic Database on the Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Science and Technology

bouton bib cnrs insu + bouton bib cnrs insis via BibCNRS  tab "database" + "INIS-CEA"     


Bibliographic database in Information sciences  
bouton bib cnrs insu + bouton bib cnrs insis via BibCNRS tab "database" + "LISTA"
Open Alex (2022-....)

OpenAlex is a bibliographic catalogue of scientific papers, authors and institutions accessible in open access mode, named after the Library of Alexandria. It started operating January 2022 by OurResearch as success of the terminated Microsoft Academic Graph. Openalex competes with commercial products such as Clarivate's Web of Science or Elsevier's Scopus, and is complemented by Bibliometrics tools and an API. (Wikipedia)

bouton open access

Pascal et Francis (INIST CNRS)

Archive of bibliographic databases Pascal and Francis published by INIST from 1972 to 1975  - Topics : Exact sciences , Social sciences

bouton open access (1972-2015)

RSC ChemSpider

Database of chemical structures

bouton bib cnrs insis via BibCNRS tab  "database" + RSC ChemSpider "

Scopus (Elsevier)

Multidisciplinary bibliographic database with bibliometric indicators  . Include in particular the humanities and social sciences and the non-francophone periodicals.

access via  UCA (Institution login = "French universities and large schools (RENATER)"  +  "Université Côte d'Azur" + enter your intranet OCA password) (to note : Access interrupted in 2024 via BibCNRS)

Web of science - WOS   (Clarivate analytics)

Multidisciplinary bibliographic databases with bibliometric indicators  :
A & HCI = Art & humanities citation index (1975-)
CPCI-S = Conference proceeding citation index Science (1998-)
CPCI-SSH = Conference proceeding citation index Social Science & Humanities (1998-)
CCR-EXPANDED = Current Chemical Reactions (1985-)
Current content connect (1998-)
ESCI = Emerging source citation index (2015-)
Index chemicus (1993-)
KCI = Korean journal database (1980-)
MEDLINE (1950-)
Russian science citation index (2005-)
SCI ELO citation index (1997-) 
SCI expanded = Science citation index expanded (1900-)
SSCI = Social science citation index (1956-) 

bouton bib cnrs insu + bouton bib cnrs insis  via BibCNRS tab "database" +  "WOS"

zbMATH (Zentralblatt MATH Database / FIZ Karlsruhe ; The European mathematical society ; Heidelberg akademie der wissenschaften)


Bibliographic database in pure and applied math. In open access since January 1, 2021. It covers international research in math. published since 1868. It contains articles from 3,000 periodicals, collections and 180,000 books as well as conference proceedings bouton open access

 See also : Journal package + e-book collections

  Term of use and access  

  • The database funded by CNRS are accessible for beneficiaries (INSU or INSIS) via the BibCNRS portal + the tab " a database" .
    To connect select the option JANUS connection and enter the username and password used to declare holidays.
    Caution : in order to access BibCNRS resources you must select your laboratory's affiliation :

    - Galilee, Geoazur and Lagrange laboratories  =  "INSUbouton bib cnrs insu . You can also select the domain : "Earth sciences and Astronomy" 
    - Artemis laboratory = "INSIS" 
    bouton bib cnrs insis. You can also select the domain : "Engineering and Systems" 

  • The databases funded by the Université Côte d'Azur (UniCA) are indicated by "UCA"  and accessible via the publisher's website. 
    To connect, select the option Institution login = "French universities and large schools (RENATER)" then,  "Université Côte d'Azur" and enter your intranet OCA password

  • Open access databases are indicated by the icon  bouton open access 
  • Bibliometric tools are indicated  by pink color.

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