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 Index :  Acquisition (procedure) -  Acquisition (suggestion form)  - Acquisition (latest books) -  Order tracking system - Purchasing (procedure)  - Purchasing  (follow-up and annual list : restricted access, prior connexion required)  - Subscription (print) (available issues  :  Calern ; Nice ; Sophia-Antipolis) -


  • The purchasing system

    You can send us a purchase request for any kind of documents :
    - by email to ;
    - or via the book suggestion form.

    We recommend you :
    - to justify your requests ;
    - to specify if your need is "urgent" or "normal" (specific solutions will be offered in case of emergency).

    Suggestions for purchase are examined continuously from January to December by laboratory's directors or their representative.
    (with the exception of journals : only when subscriptions are renewed, generally in October).

     You are automatically informed by e-mail of the follow-up given to your requests (accepted or refused).

  • The order tracking system

    All information relating to the order tracking is specified in the annual list (restricted access :  prior you must connect to intranet OCA then you must click on the article)

    The items will be automatically reserved in your name on your reader account.

    After the delivery of the items, you will be informed of their availability by e-mail.

  • Accessioning of serials

    Check the availability of a journal issue  by consulting  your library's list
Image Bib Nice Image Bib Valrose Image Bib Sophia image CERGA1975
Nice Mont-Gros

Nice Valrose Sophia-Antipolis

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