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Library committee missions  (decision n. 2008-011 - feb. 14, 2008)

  • Analysis of users' needs 

  • Proposals for technical solutions with 2 priorities : pooling resources and reducing subscription costs    

  • Decisions are taken by the Executive Committee, after file review and technical proposals review of the Library committee.

Library committee members (decision n. 2018-021 - sept. 4, 2018) 

  • Jocelyne Bettini (Lagrange laboratory)
  • Mérième Chadid Vernin (Artemis laboratory) 
  • Benoit Carry (President of the library commitee)
  • Catherine L'Hostis (UMS Galilée)
  • Marianne Saillard (Géoazur laboratory)

Library committee reports (restricted access : OCA IP addresses)

Minutes of the meeting held on....          
The agenda items of the meeting (in french)
7 November 2023 1/ 2024 budget request
2/ Choice of 2024 subscriptions
3/ Review of the library service as of October 8, 2023
4/ Library service project 2024
16 October 2022 Choice of journal subscriptions for 2023
no (supl. : survey) survey on the IEEE titles
25 November 2021

1 / Choice of journal subscriptions and budget request for 2022
2 / Reading room's reorganization projects : summary and costing
3 / Choice of Nice Mont-Gros journals to delete
4 / Cooperation with the UCA libraries network : news and perspectiv
a) SPIE proceedings : proposal for  purchase with the S.C.D.
b) methods of purchasing electronic books in  UCA libraries
c) about new OCA/UCA  libraries' agreement on shared services and resources
d) UCA libraries' "re-computerization" project : choice of ILS, work schedule and loan policies

31 May 2021 1/ Review of the past year
2/ Survey on your need and your uses of OCA and UCA libraries : analysis of the results
3 / Definition of 2021-2022 work priorities after identification of expectations and upcoming deadlines
a) HAL and bibliometrics at the OCA
b) Loan and UCA : which new possibilities ?
c) Shared documentation : extension to the purchase of electronic books ?
4) Libraries premises and weeding of journal collections
a) About the changes in the Valrose library
b) Site work at the PHC : what timetable ? what renovations ? what impacts for the library ?
c) Proposal for weeding some journal collections of Nice-Mont-Gros and Sophia libraries
no (survey : march-april 2021)

Survey on your need and your uses of OCA and UCA libraries


03 Dec. 2019

1. Choice of subscriptions and budget request 2020 - 2.Valorization of the service and collections (Report 2019 – Priority 2020) - 3. The library web site (Report 2019 – Priority 2020) - 4. Digitalization and archiving (Report 2019 – Survey – Priority 2020) - 5. UCA and documentation : what are the priorities ?  - 6. Open science  :  What the OCA needs ? 

14 Nov. 2018

1- Presentation of the new members of the Library Commission and report on the past year - 2. Choice of 2019 subscriptions - 3. Budget request 2019 and contribution proposal of the laboratories - 4. Missions de : " Diffusion des Connaissances"  2019-2022 : What Roles / Objectives for OCA Libraries?

no (14 may 2018)

New  library portal  via Joomla : 14 may 2018

18 Jan. 2018

2nd meeting on research data management (OCA library - UNS SCD : about HAL and OCA publications OCA

1. Open science's news - 2. OCA's situation  and needs - 3. Conditor project - 4. UCAGate project - 5. ORCID - 6. SCOPUS and Scival - 7. HAL and related tools - 8. Dissemin - 9. Conclusion

14 Nov. 2017

1 -  The vacancy announcement  for  the president of the library committee. 2 - Subscriptions 2018 . 3 – The result 2016-2017  and the budget request 2018.4 - UCA and documentation. 5 - New library web portal. 6 - Nice Mont-Gros Library : security of the archive areas and redevelopment of the reading room

15 may 2017

Survey and project about Reading Room's redevelop (Library Nice Mont-Gros)

04 Nov. 2016

1. Results 2015-2016. - 2. Subscriptions 2017. - 3. Budget request and proposal for contributions 2017. - 4. Objectives / Priorities  2017. - 5. Strategie document 2017-2020 (working document version 1)

15 may 2016

Survey about the renovation of the library's reading room

15 April 2016

1st meeting  on research data management  (OCA library - UNS library)

1. Presentation of the support service for manipulation and management of research data (by UNS library). - 2. Exchanges of views on management of research data in OCA's laboratories. - 3. The most important needs of OCA's researchers.  - Annexe 1 : sigles and selected links . - Annexe 2 : UNS library flyer  in pdf format  : "vos bibliothèques au service de la recherche"

03 Nov. 2015

1. Results 2014-2015. - 2. Subscriptions 2016. - 3. Budget request and proposal for contributions 2016.  - 4. Objectives / Priorities 2016 :  4.1. Library Management System project : the problem of retrospective conversion of old bibliographic records . -  4.2.  About the new Valrose library  :  What storage area ? What is the estimated timetable ? Who will take charge of the physical move and who will cover its cost ?  . - 5. UCA and documentation

31 Oct. 2013 

1. Information about UNS library meeting held on october 7 2013 . - 2. Information about Biblioplanets portal and INSU recommandations  . - 3. Subscriptions 2014. - 4. Budget request and proposal for contributions 2014.  -  5. Relocation of the  Valrose library 's collections to Mont-gros library  during renovation of the building . Organization envisaged during restoration work . - 6. Project to share  a  library management system with UNS library (Aleph 500). - 7. The 2013 selection of periodicals for binding 

30 Oct.2012

1. Review of libraries moves - About the new Geoazur library - 2. The possibility of collaboration between the educatonal service and the library   - 3. Training in documentary tools : what are the needs ? . - 4. Subscriptions 2013. - 5. Budget request 2013. - 6. The 2012 selection of periodicals for binding 

11 Oct. 2011  1. Past year report . - 2. Subscriptions 2012 . - 3. Budget request 2012. - 4. Conservation and enhancement of library collections (Recent and ongoing works). - 5.  Point on  OCA libraries' moves and on new library development . The implications  on the libraries.  - 6. The 2011 selection of periodicals for binding  
16 Nov.2010 1. Past year report. - 2. Regrouping of collections : preparatory work and priorities 2011.  3. Information about 2010 UNS Documentation . - 4. Subscriptions 2011. - 5. Budget request 2011. - 6. The 2010 selection of periodicals for binding  
21 Oct.2009
 1. Information about the 2009 UNS library meeting. -  2. Past year report. - 3. Subscriptions 2010. - 4. Budget request 2010. - 5. The 2009 selection of periodicals for binding

16 Oct.2008  1. Library policy decisions 2009-2011. - 2. Information about UNS library meeting held on  24 september 2008. - 3. Subscription 2009. - 4. The 2008 selection of periodicals for binding
04 June 2008  1. Objectives of the new library committee   - Appointment of Chairperson. - 2. Review of Louis Klee's proposal for an internal agreement between the OCA library and the UNS library (work axes, content analysis).  - 3. THe UNS Library Management System project (Presentation - timing - benefits and constraints). - 4. OCA Library Regulations (registration requirements, loan conditions, etc.). 5. Harmonization of classification systems and  book inventory number.
16 Oct. 2007
1. Periodicals : 2008 subscription policy  . - 2. 2008 book purchase policy . - 3. Organization of the OCA library service . 4. Missions of librarians. 5. Enlargement of the library committee. 6. HAL. - 7.  The 2007 selection of periodicals for binding
25 April 2007  Book selection and purchasing
30 Oct.2006 1. Information about 2006 OCA- UNS libraries meeting . -  2. Presentation of the four-year project 2008-2011 for the OCA library
04 Oct.2006 1. The 2006 selection of periodicals for binding . - 2.  Subscriptions 2007 (result of the survey) . - 3. Budget request 2007. - 4. Four-year project 2008-2011 for the OCA library :  What are the objectives  ? . - 5 . Access to online subscriptions and services  (guest : Marie-Laure Miniussi) . - 6 . Result of the  2006 book inventory
17 Nov. 2005
1. Subscriptions 2006 (result of the survey) . - 2. Budget request 2006. - 3. The 2005 selection of periodicals for binding . - 4. Library's archive rooms  (2005 objectives and results). - 5. Project for the evolution of the library service system (2005 objectives  and results ). -  6. Conditions for lending and accessing to electronic services.
02 Nov.2004

-Subscriptions 2005 .- 2. Budget request  2005. - 3. The 2004 selection of periodicals for binding . - 4. Library's archive rooms :  The existing state  and proposals (extension of storage space / plan for the elimination and shared preservation of periodicals)5. Old library collections (access via the catalog and estimation of book binding). - 6. Lending conditions and registration to the library. - 7. Project of the evolution of the OCA library system  : preliminary study (analysis of the existing state / study of needs and proposals for solutions)

24 Nov. 2003 1. Report of the National evaluation committee  on OCA  libraries : comments and definition of a short- and medium-term documentary policy. - 2. Budget request 2004. - 3. Subscriptions 2004. - 4. Book selection and purchasing. 5. The 2003 selection of periodicals for binding. - 6. New law about lending  (Law n.2003-517 of 18 June 2003) and reproduction of documents. - 7. Various issues
16 June 2003
1.  Composition and Functions of the library Committee . - 2.  Statement of account ; budget request 2004. - 3. Point and evolution on online periodicals . - 4. Book selection and purchasing - 5. Various issues.
04 Nov.2002  1. Budget request 2003. - 2. Subscriptions 2003. - 3. 2002 Book selection and Purchasing  : result and   arbitration to purchase a dictionary. - 4.  The 2002 selection of periodicals for binding.
10 Oct.2002
Meeting of the National evaluation committee  (No meeting minutes)
24 Oct.2001

1.Report on the progress of work in Grasse library . - 2. The 2001 selection of periodicals for binding . - 3. Budget request 2002. - 4. Cooperation with university's laboratories : LETMEX (OCA/UNSA) and Astrophysic laboratory  (UNSA). - 5. Subscriptions 2002

02 March 2001 1. Book selection and purchasing. - 2. Various issues
08 Nov. 2000
 1. Approval of minutes from the previous meeting . - 2. Membership of the library committee . - 3. Budget request 2001. - 4. Subscriptions 2001. - 5. Book selection and Purchasing . - 6. Various issues : Approval of minutes by email and publication on the web page  . -  About  the project  to enlarge the Grasse library.
16 May 2000
1. Archives : review of work in progress. 2. Book selection and Purchasing . 3. Proposals from consortia. - 4. Various issues
 15 nov. 1999  
01 July 1999 1. About Library committee  - 2. Loan conditions. - 3. Assessment of the old books collection of  the Nice observatory's library . - 4. Training plan for libraries. - 5. Financial contribution to the UNSA databases. - 6. Purchase of books and bindings. - 7. 1999 subscription credit balances. - 8. Texto (software) 
19 mai 1998 Reading committee meeting
29 janvier 1997

Library committee meeting . - Contents :  0. Preliminary note : deposit of Mr Cognet's archives. - 1. Assessment and various questions : 1.1 Computing - 1.2 Inventory of Nice library's books  - 1.3 Information / Communication. - 1.4 Conservation of documentary collection. - 1.5 Library management and the budget 1997. - 2. Priority for 1997

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