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Keywords Access to OCA libraries (terms and conditions)  / Account (Reader) /  Addresses / Catalogue / Committee (Library)  / Forms (all) /  Journals (access) / Loans (Terms and Conditions) / Newsletter  / Periodicals (access) / Ranking of documents / Reading room Registration (library) / Reservation (doc) / Reservation (reading room) / Subscriptions / Telephone / User guide (Quick guide for newcomers ; Library user's guide)

Registration and access to the OCA libraries (terms and conditions)

 The 3 libraries of the Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur (OCA) are accessible :
- freely for OCA members ;
- by appointment for the Université Côte d'Azur (UniCA) members and other external persons.

The use of OCA libraries' resources and services is submitted to prior registration.

The borrowing of documents by UniCA members is authorized after registration.
2 registration request forms are available : for OCA members and for UniCA members

Electronic form
Paper form (pdf )
formulaireenligneOCAinscription Plaquette2023 inscriptionfrancais
OCA member (registration request)
OCA member (registration request)
 formulaireenligneUCAinscription  Plaquette2023UCAinscriptionGB
UniCA member (registration request) UniCA member (registration request)

 It allows :

For OCA members
- to borrow and return documents in any OCA library ;
- to access to the electronic resources (bibliographic databases ; book collections ; periodicals) ;
- to request to send or supply documents at any time (articles ; book purchase ; ILL).
(The cost is fully supported by the OCA library within the limits of the budget allocated and prior agreement) ;
- to access to specific services (alerts ; help to search ; guides and tutorials ; training ; visits...).

For UniCA members
- to borrow and return documents in any OCA library ;
- to access to specific services (alerts ; help to search ...).

The borrowing rights and the access to electronic resources varies according to its status, geographical location and its affiliated institution. They are specified at the time of registration.

Borrowing, renewing & returning library materials

Reader account

Each user has a reader account open at the time of registration.

You can access to the account via our online catalog (password is required).

The reader account allows to :
- consult your loan list ;
- book a document in any library. The  document will be delivered to your main library.

(If you have lost your password, contact us :


The borrowing and renewing rights :

Categories On-site consultation 
Borrowing rights (1) Renewing rights
A. OCA readers Permanent members and assimilated members *
(Permanent employees, Doctoral students, Postdoctoral fellows, Researchers , Teachers-Researchers)
Yes, free access
20 items for 90 days 3 times
B.  OCA readers Temporary members *
(Temporary employees, Trainees, Visitors , Volonteers and other temporary members)
Yes, free access
20 items for 35 days 3 times
C. UniCA readers UniCA members (all) *
Yes by appointment 3 items for 35 days
(prior registration required and
validated in one of the OCA libraries)
+ 7 days
D. External persons (outside OCA and UniCA)
Yes by appointment No (but possible via interlibrary loan (ILL))
E. Interlibrary loan (ILL)
3 items for 35 days + 7 days
* Specific note for readers with motor disabilities Access available only in 2 OCA libraries
(Nice Valrose + Sophia-Antipolis)
  • (1) The non-circulating materials : journals, reference books, internal documents and historic collections do not circulate (exception : a special authorization may be granted for permanent employees to borrow old documents for temporary exhibitions).


Terms of borrowing :
- free access to the reading rooms and archive rooms during the librarians' working hours with the exception of the space "Old Books and Archives" (Nice Mont-Gros) and the room A216 (Sophia-Antipolis) ;
- each book is equipped with a loan form (located at the beginning or end of the book according to the library) to be filled in and placed in the box provided for this purpose.This box is located at the entrance to the libraries.
- After reading, the documents are handed to the librarians or deposited in the return box.

Lost or damaged materials and time contraints :

Library borrower is responsible for library materials while checked out under his name, and is responsible for returning items by their due date. If an item is damaged or lost, borrower must replace or reimburse it at the actual cost 

Reading room : opening hours, equipments, ranking of documents 

Opening hours , equipments of the 3 libraries
Click on the photograph of your favorite library to see the opening hours and equipments of the reading room

Image Bib Nice Image Bib Valrose Image Bib Sophia
Nice Mont-Gros Nice Valrose Sophia-Antipolis


Ranking of documents on the libraries' shelves :

Nice Mont-Gros Library : the documents are arranged by inventory number : in the reading room (call number 010500 and more) and in the basement 1 (call number 0 to 010499)
Exceptions : when call number began with letter :
A = old books  - Mezzanine (restricted access)
C = colloquium -  Ground floor
E1  = small format catalogue - Ground floor
E2  = large format catalogue  - Mezzanine
GF = books with large format - Ground flloor
P = periodicals - Ground floor  + Basement 1 and 2 
U  = Usual - Ground floor
W  = OCA documents - Basement 1


Nice Valrose Library (Lagrange library) : The documents are stored in the reading room by classification and then inventory number

Sophia-Antipolis library (Geoazur library) :  The documents are stored in the reading room (room A213) by author's name  followed by a serial number
Exceptions :
Astronomy books of the Grasse library (room A214) : by topics 
Maps, Geological  (room A216) : by suffix "CARTE" + n °
Periodicals = (room A216) : by suffix "P" + n.° 
Thesis, Academic dissertations (room A216) : by suffix "T" + Year + Author


First steps in the OCA library

Some tools can help you to use the OCA library's services and resources for the first time :

- The Online request forms (all)

- Focus : a collection of practical sheets about the OCA libraries 

BIB2021 GUIDE entrant GB   Plaquette2023 guideanglais
Focus 1
the quick guide
for newcomers

Focus 2
The library user guide

 FOCUS ACCES REVUES 2021 GB image bibnumFocusResterInforme
Focus 3
How to access
e-journals ?
Focus 4
How to be inform
about new books ?

XAccessibility Options