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Advances in Optics and Photonics (OSA)
Advances in Space research (Elsevier)
Annales de géographie (Armand Colin)
Applied optics (Optical Society of America)
Archives for history of exact sciences (Springer)
Astronomical journal (IOP)
Astronomische nachrichten (Wiley)
Astronomy and Astrophysics (A & A - EDP Science)
Astronomy and astrophysics review (Springer)
Astrophysical journal (IOP)
Astrophysical journal letters (IOP)
Astrophysical journal supplement (IOP)
Astrophysics and space science (Springer)
British journal for the history of science (CUP)
Bulletin de la société géologique de France (SGF)
Bulletin of the Seismological society of America - BSSA
Celestial mechanics and dynamical astronomy (Springer)
Classical and quantum gravity (IOP)
Communication in mathematical physics (Springer)
Comptes Rendus Mécanique (Elsevier)
Comptes Rendus Physique (Elsevier)
Constructive approximation (Springer)
Deep-sea research Part. I (Elsevier)
Deep-sea research Part. II (Elsevier)
Earth and planetary science letters (Elsevier)
Earthquake spectra (Earthquake Engineering Research Institute)
Espace géographique (Belin - diffusion : CAIRN ; Persée)
European physical journal B (Springer)
European physical journal C (Springer)
European physical journal D (Springer)
Experimental astronomy (Springer)
General relativity and gravitation (Springer)
Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems (AGU / Wiley)
Geology (Geological society of America / GSW)
Geomorphology (Elsevier)
Geophysical Journal International - GJI (Oxford university press)
Geophysical Research Letters - GRL ( AGU / Wiley)
History of science (Sage)
Icarus (Elsevier)
IEEE transactions on Image processing (IEEE)
IEEE transactions on Knowledge of data engineering (IEEE)
IEEE transactions on Parallel and distributes systems (IEEE)
IEEE transactions on Pattern analysis machine intelligence
IEEE transactions on Signal processing (IEEE)
IEEE transactions on Software engineering (IEEE)
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics (IEEE)
IET Circuits, devices and systems (IEEE)
IET Computers and digital techniques (IET / IEEE)
IET Computers vision (IET/ IEEE)
IET Control theory and applications (IET/ IEEE)
IET Image processing (IET / IEEE)
IET Optoelectronics (IET / IEEE)
IET Radar, sonar and navigation (IET / IEEE)
IET Science, measurement and technology (IET/ IEEE)
IET Signal processing (IET/ IEEE)
IET Software (IET/ IEEE)
International journal of modern physics D (World scientific)
Journal for the History of Astronomy (Sage)
Journal of Computational physics (Elsevier)
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics (IOP)
Journal of Geodesy (Springer)
Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmosphere (AGU / Wiley)
Journal of Geophysical Research - Planets (AGU / Wiley)
Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth (AGU / Wiley)
Journal of Geophysical Research - Space Physics (AGU / Wiley)
Journal of Optics A : Pure and applied optics (IOP)
Journal of Physics A (IOP)
Journal of Seismology (Springer)
Journal of Statistical Mechanics : theory and experiment (IOP)
Journal of the Optical Society of America A - JOSA A
Journal of the Optical Society of America B - JOSA B
Marine geology (Elsevier)
Mesure (Newsco Group SAS)
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society - MNRAS (Oxford university press)
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Letters - MNRAS letters (Oxford university press)
Nature (Nature publishing)
Nature Geosciences (Nature publishing)
Nature Sciences Sociétés (EDP Science)
New Astronomy (Elsevier)
Nuclear Physics A (Elsevier)
Nuclear Physics B (Elsevier)
Nuclear Physics B. Proceedings supplement (Elsevier)
Optics communications (Elsevier)
Optics express (OSA, Optical Society of America)
Optics letters (OSA, Optical Society of America)
Pattern recognition (Elsevier)
Pattern recognition Letters (Elsevier)
Physical review A (APS, The American Physical Society)
Physical review C (APS, The American Physical Society)
Physical review D (APS, The American Physical Society)
Physical review Letters (APS, The American Physical Society)
Physics letters A (Elsevier)
Physics letters B (Elsevier)
Physics of the Earth and Planetary interiors (Elsevier)
Physics Reports (Elsevier)
Proceedings of the IEEE (IEEE)
Publication of the Astronomical Society of Japan - PASJ (Oxford university press)
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific - PASP (IOP)
Pure and Applied Geophysics (Springer)
Review of Scientific instruments (AIP)
Revue française de Linguistique appliquée (Publications Linguistiques)
Science (American Association for the Advancement of Science)
Sciences et Avenir
Seismological research letters (Geological society of America / GSW)
SIAM journal on numerical analysis (SIAM)
Signal processing (Elsevier)
Sky and telescope (Sky publishing)
Soil dynamics and earthquake engineering (Elsevier)
Solar physics (Springer)
Studies in history and philosophy of science part A (Elsevier)
Studies in history and philosophy of science part B (Elsevier)
Tectonics (AGU / Wiley)
Tectonophysics (Elsevier)
Terra nova (Wiley)
The Seismic records (TSR) (Seismological society of America)
Traitement du signal (Lavoisier)
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